Tuesday, August 9, 2016

What structures can you use to succeed? (Day 3) Daily Plans: Wednesday, 10 August

Happy Wednesday AVID Students!
Homework: Make sure you are signed up for our AVID Remind account here
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: What structures can you use to succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...illustrate and evaluate the purpose of grammatical rules.

...write higher order thinking questions.
...complete a practice tutorial.
...assess my learning strengths and weaknesses. 
1) Warm Up: Grammar: Important or Not? (15 min)

  1. Skim through the slideshow below.
  2. Choose one slide. Illustrate the different versions of the phrases.
  3. Determine why you think learning grammar rules is or is not important.
  4. Justify your stance in philosophical chairs.

2) Literacy Block: Don't Forget the Curve of Forgetting (10 min)
  1. Take out your "The Curve of Forgetting" article (TOC #3) and open your notebooks to your notes on Cornell notes (from 8/8/16).
  2. Add five questions between the article (up to three questions) and notes. Consider the following:
    1. Questions can be of form or function.
      1. Question of form: How is Dory's short term memory problem related to the plot of Finding Nemo and Finding Dory?
      2. Question of function: Relate Dory's short term memory problem to the plot of Finding Nemo and Finding Dory. 
    2. The verbs you choose impact the answer you will get when you ask a question.
      1. Easy question: List the three branches of the government.
      2. Harder question: Justify the importance of the three branches of government.
      3. *Use the "Process Skills" poster for verb ideas!*
  3. Use your questions to test the class!
3) Lesson Plan + Success Workshop: Tutorials 101 (20 min)
  1. Before the mock tutorial, read about the tutorial process:
    1. Read "Steps in the tutorial process" and write a two sentence summary of reminders to yourself at the bottom of the sheet.
    2. Read "Tutorial member protocol summary" and illustrate in the margins what two of the groups of people should be doing.
    3. Read the "Inquiry learning process" and *star* your two favorite questions that could help your classmates.
  2. During the mock tutorial:
    1. Fill out the TRF as a class.
    2. Complete your role during the Tutorial:
      1. Teacher: Walk around and prompt students to ask questions.
      2. Tutor: Sit with students and remind students to stay focused. Ask clarifying questions if needed. "Buzz" if group members ask leading questions (questions that give the answers).
      3. Group members: Ask questions to help the presenter understand his or her point of confusion. Fill in three column notes. Use the "Inquiry learning process" sheet.
      4. Presenter: Share your 30 second speech. Answer questions. Make notes.
  3. After the mock tutorial:
    1. Complete the reflection. Today, focus on what you learned about the tutorial process.
    2. Add your packet to your binder. This will be TOC #4, call it "Tutorials 101".
4) Exit Ticket: Tell me what you need! (3 min)
  1. Write your name on your sticky note.
  2. List a class that you think is difficult and a class you think is easy (in that order).
  3. Name one other strategy or thing you need help with. 

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