Wednesday, August 10, 2016

What structures can you use to succeed? Daily Plans: Thursday, 11 August

Happy Thursday AVID Students!

-Make sure you are signed up for our AVID Remind account here
-Complete your lumosity fit test by Monday. Put a screenshot of your results in a Google Document to show me in class.
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: What structures can you use to succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...evaluate my learning so far.

...observe and illustrate how memories are made.
...describe different types of memory.
...assess my time management skills.
1) Warm Up: Learning Log (10 min)

  1. Fill in the learning log for this week. You must include 5 concepts you have learned from any class. Examples: Cornell notes, writing algebraic equations, units of measure, library resources, rhetorical triangle, systems of equations
  2. Find someone who has a higher understanding rating on a topic similar to what you listed and someone who has a lower understanding rating on a similar topic. Share summaries with each other.
  3. Add your learning log to your binder as TOC #5. Name it "Learning Log 8/8-9/2".
2) Lesson Plan: Memory Olympics (7 min per station - 35 min)
Directions: Break into 4 groups (1st & 4th block) and 8 pairs/trios (3rd block). Select one student with a SmartPhone to be the time keeper. Bring your laptop with you.
  1. Station 1: Number Recording
    1. Round 1:
      1. Look at the numbers on the piece of paper for one minute.
      2. Flip the paper over.
      3. List as many numbers as you can.
      4. Check your work and see who in your group remembered the most numbers.
    2. Round 2:
      1. Discuss: What can you do to to be more successful at remembering the items.
      2. Repeat the steps in round 1.
      3. Debrief: How helpful was your strategy?
  2. Station 2: Matching Game
    1. Go to the link here and select "Kitchen" in the top selection box.
    2. See who can match all cards the fastest.
    3. Discuss: What strategies did you use to help you find the matches?
  3. Station 3: Random Item Recognition
    1. Round 1:
      1. Look at the items on the tray for one minute.
      2. Put the tray away.
      3. List as many items as you can.
      4. Check your list and see who in your group remembered the most items.
    2. Round 2: 
    3. How will you change your brain?
      1. Discuss: What can you do to to be more successful at remembering the items.
      2. Repeat the steps in round 1.
      3. Debrief: How helpful was your strategy? 
  4. Station 4: 
    1. Create a lumosity account here and begin the fit test. 
    2. Finish your fit test by Monday and make a document with a screenshot of your results in comparison to people in your age group. I will check these in class.
3) Literacy Block: How We Make Memories (25 min)
  1. Before you watch: 
    1. Set up a sheet of Cornell paper. Put "What structures can help me succeed?" as the EQ and "Memory Formation" as the topic.
    2. Based on the activities we completed, illustrate how you think we make memories.
  2. While you watch, take Cornell notes that...
    1. Task 1: Name three things that are tested in school (Hint: They all start with 'R').
    2. Task 2: Illustrate and label the process of memory formation.
    3. Task 3: Define at least 3 terms in your own words.
    4. Task 4: List as many key terms and facts as you can.
  3. After you watch the video:
    1. Compare your responses to tasks 1-3 with a neighbor and revise as needed.
    2. For task 4, read your list to your table and *star* items only you have listed.
    3. Share out the list with the most stars to the class and find out who has the most facts in the class. The winner gets a prize.
    4. Finally, write a summary that describes how Cornell notes (a structure for note taking that we use at LEC) can help you create memories that will help you succeed.
4) Exit Ticket: Time Management Check In (5 min)
  1. Open your planner up to this week.
  2. Check or cross off each item you have done or completed.
  3. Add new assignments (Including the lumosity fit test).
  4. Look at your SMART goal for the week (if you didn't set one, set a goal for tonight). Give yourself a smiley face if you met your goal. If you still need to meet your goal, put one thing you will do tonight so you can meet it!

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