Thursday, August 11, 2016

What structures can you use to succeed? (Day 5) Daily Plans: Friday, 12 August

Happy Friday AVID Students!

-Final Call: Make sure you are signed up for our AVID Remind account here
-Complete your lumosity fit test by Monday. Put a screenshot of your results in a Google Document to show me in class.
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: What structures can you use to succeed?
Objectives: I can... out how I will complete an assignment.

...collaborate with my classmates.
...identify problems and solutions related to current issues.
I miss you all! Questions? Ask your classmates, then email me at!
1) Warm Up: Book Club Contracts (20 min)

  1. Break into your book club groups.
  2. Read through the sample Book Club Contract.
  3. Work together to fill in your Book Club Contract.
  4. Turn your Book Club Contract in to the drawer for your class period.
Book Club Groups: 
Period 1
Period 3
Period 4
The Help: Charley, Holly
Travels of a T-Shirt: Sadie, Blaise, James
Stitching Snow: Bella, Evan, Alondra
Stitching Snow: Hailey, Noemi, Crystal, Isabel
The Help: Ibet, Conner, Mikayla
Slaughterhouse-5: Yiraliz, Joseph, Giovanni, Romeo, Diana
How it Went Down: Chris, Trinity, Monserrat
Dracula: Jose, Jocelyn, Angel, Michael
Speak: Manuel, Kinsley Raye, Kiara
The Poisonwood Bible: Dominick, Sarah
Stitching Snow: Karla, Christian, Tristian
How it Went Down: Ricah, Sophia, Cindy

Speak: Aly, Suzy, Danna, Jennifer
The Poisonwood Bible: Skylar, Jonathan, Selena

House on Mango Street: Lauren, Asya, Sarah

2) Project Work Time: Current Issues Case Studies
Protesters in Hoosick Falls, N.Y., in June hold signs calling for hearings on contamination in their town's drinking water by a chemical related to firefighting foam.
Firefighting chemicals in drinking water
Throughout the semester you will be challenged to choose an issue that is important to you. You will begin to look at the root causes of the issue and possible solutions that could address the issue. Today, you will explore a randomly assigned topic and share your information with the class. After learning about a variety of topics, you will fill out an interest survey to see what topics inspire you to think creatively and act in our community.
  1. Before you complete your case study (15 min): Look at a Sample
    1. Skim the article here.
    2. Read my sample graphic organizer on the back of your copy. Notes about filling out your own organizer:
      1. Some of your articles focus on problems, some on solutions. You may have to infer what the problem was that is being solved OR you may have to suggest a possible solution to complete your organizer. Think creatively!
      2. If you get confused, fill in as much as you can. Everyone must have the title, summary, class connections, and illustration.
    3. Number off around the classroom. Your number is the article below that you will read. Not every class will read all articles!
  2. While you read your assigned case study article, fill out your graphic organizer. (20 min)
  3. Larissa Martinez and Mayte Lara Ibarra had just finished their senior year of high school when they each decided to go public with their immigration status.
    How can immigration status
     impact college goals?
    1. In South Texas, Fair Wages Elude Farmworkers
    2. Fines for Meat Industry's Safety Problems are 'Embarrassingly Low'
    3. Social Security Data Errors can Turn People into the Living Dead
    4. 'Lock up all the Black Hoodies': DOJ Report Details Abuses by Baltimore Police
    5. The App that Aims to Gamify Biology Has Amateurs Discovering New Species
    6. For Refugee Team, Just Being in Rio is like Winning Gold
    7. Melting Ice in Greenland Could Expose Serious Pollutants from Buried Army Base
    8. Sons are Still More Likely than Daughters to Take Over the Family Farm
    9. Fire in Baghdad Maternity Ward Kills at Least 12 Newborns
    10. Puerto Rico's Efforts to Stop Zika are Hampered by Mistrust
    11. Utility Giant PG&E Convicted of Violating Gas Pipeline Safety Laws
    12. Why the Airline Industry Could Keep Suffering System Failures like Delta's
    13. Productive, Protein-Rich Breadfruit Could Help the World's Hungry Tropics
    14. The Best Schools in the World Do This. Why Don't We?
    15. Researchers Study Effects of Social Media on Young Minds
    16. What it's Like to be College-Bound and Worried About Your Immigration Status
    17. Professors Attempt to Halt Texas Law Allowing Guns in Classrooms
    18. Saving the Tricolored Blackbird
    19. For Veterinarians, Caring for Sick Pets and Grieving Owners Takes a Toll
    20. Stricter Voter ID and Other Voting Laws Rolled Back in Slew of Court Decisions
  4. After you read: (20 min)
  5. Veterinarians say that helping suffering animals and stressed-out owners can become grueling.
    What do vets experience?
    1. Take 10 minutes to: Stand up-hand up-pair up and share your summaries with your classmates.
    2. Tape your case study on the back board.
    3. Complete the interest survey below OR via the link here.
  6. Extra Time? Get games from the side table and relax. Please clean these up neatly. Fourth block, please put up all chairs!

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