Sunday, August 14, 2016

What structures can you use to succeed? (Day 6) Daily Plans: Monday, 15 August

Happy Monday AVID Students!

-Complete your lumosity fit test. Put a screenshot of your results in a Google Document to show me in class.
-TRFs start next week!
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: What structures can you use to succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...illustrate or describe what I find fulfilling.

...characterize a teen who can make change.
...write a TPEQEA paragraph.
E(ART)H Club today! 2:45-3:30pm Nickel's room - join us to make artist's trading cards :)
1) Warm Up: What the World Needs (10 min)

  1. Fill me in on Friday's class via an "And Then" story.
  2. Set up a set of Cornell notes using the EQ: "What structures can you use to succeed?" and topic: "How teens can change the world & TPEQEA".
  3. Respond to the quote below by: 
    1. Writing what makes you come alive, how you will do that, and how it will improve the world
    2. Illustrating the quote or a part of it to create a mini-bumper sticker or poster for the classroom
    3. Listing what and who you think the world needs 

  1. Before you read, add to the board:
    1. What do teens need to make changes?
    2. What keeps teens from making changes?
  2. While you read, take Cornell notes. Consider bulleted lists and concept maps.
  3. After you read:
    1. Compare your notes with neighbors and add on to yours!
    2. List the 9 things teens need. 
      1. Discuss: Do we need to add anything?
      2. Rank yourself from 1 (I never experience/participate/feel like this) to 4 (I experience this daily).
    3. Research Moment: Work in pairs or trios and find ways that teens can make changes in Sanford.
3) Lesson Plan: TPEQEA Writing
  1. Before you write:
    1. Look in your Cobra Kickoff packet. 
    2. Write a Quiz-Quiz-Trade question about writing a TPEQEA paragraph.
    3. Play Quiz-Quiz-Trade.
    4. Revisit the articles summarized in class on Friday.
    5. Read the prompt: Write a TPEQEA paragraph responding to the question: What current issue you will work to change by taking action? 
  2. While you write:
    1. Image result for tpeqea
    2. Try labeling your paper with the letters of TPEQEA.
    3. Keep your Cobra Kickoff TPEQEA cheat sheet out and ask yourself questions as you write.
  3. After you write: Write a Documented Writing Concern in the margins of your paper for tomorrow!
4) Success Workshop: Set up your weekly calendar!

5) Exit Ticket: Write a SMART goal for this week in your planner.

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