Monday, August 8, 2016

What structures can you use to succeed? (Day 2) Daily Plans: Tuesday 9 August

Happy Tuesday AVID Students!
Homework: Make sure you are signed up for our AVID Remind account here

Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: What structures can you use to succeed?
Objectives: I can...

...list useful resources and people you can find in the library.
...explain how to find resources in the library.
...create something using makerspace tools.
Library Orientation Day
  1. What you will do:
    1. Make your library card and tinker in the makerspace.
    2. Go on a selfie scavenger hunt to learn how the library is organized.
    3. Log in to LearningExpress - the place to study for tests and research college and career options!
    4. Meet a librarian and find out what they do and how they can help YOU!
  2. Expectations:
    1. Break into groups.
    2. Go to each station.
    3. Use a quiet indoor voice.
    4. Thank the librarians for their help!

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