Sunday, August 7, 2016

What structures can you use to succeed? (Day 1) Daily Plans: Monday 7 August

Happy Monday AVID Students!
Homework: Make sure you are signed up for our AVID Remind account here. Fill in your address slip so you can get your CCCC ID tomorrow!
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: What structures can you use to succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...evaluate and summarize books
...justify the use of Cornell notes.
...set weekly goals.
1) Warm Up: Blind Dates with Books + Book Club Choices (20 min)

  1. Read the prompt in the picture to the right
  2. Respond to the following:
    1. Describe a time when you chose a book by its cover and loved it OR a time when you did not enjoy a book you chose by its cover.
    2. Write a 4-5 word label for the wrapping on a book or magazine you read recently.
    3. Imagine your perfect book; write a 4-5 word label for the wrapping on your perfect book.
  3. Finish your book club book summary OR add 4-5 word labels to your book and any books you have read.
  4. Read other summaries and labels.
  5. Make your book selections by filling in the form below: 
2) Literacy Block: The Curve of Forgetting (20 min)
  1. Before you read: Vote with your feet!
    1. I take notes by hand.
    2. I take notes on my computer.
    3. I color code my notes.
    4. I use flashcards.
    5. I draw diagrams in my notes.
    6. I look at my notes repeatedly before a test.
    7. I retake my notes before a test.
    8. I use my notes to quiz myself before a test.
    9. I compare my notes with a classmates'.
  2. Identify three different sections of the article and draw brackets around them while you partner read "The Curve of Forgetting" sheet.
  3. After you read write steps for using notes that will help you get the best grade.
3) Lesson Plan: Cornell Notes 101 (20 min)
  1. Part 1: The Cornell Way
    1. Set up Cornell notes.
    2. Write as many notes as you can while you watch the video.
    3. Compare your notes to a neighbor's and add on.
    4. Highlight key terms.
  2. Part 2: How To: Take Cornell Notes
    1. Add on to your notes.
    2. List situations when Cornell notes can be useful.
    3. Look back at your "The Curve of Forgetting" reading - add a question to each of the three sections you identified. Write a summary of the reading.
  3. Review your steps to note taking and add on two more ways you can make notes useful.
4) Success Workshop: Weekly Calendar (15 min)
  1. Add the following to your planner (paper or Google Calendar):
    1. Homework due dates
    2. To Do list for tonight
    3. Any extracurriculars you have this week
    4. Family and social events you plan to go to this week
  2. Note one thing you will do to take a break.
5) Exit Ticket: SMART Goal (5 min)
  1. Write a SMART goal that answers the questions in the picture below.
  2. Swap planners with a neighbor.
  3. Determine if you need to revise your goal to make it more clear and do so if necessary!

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