Thursday, August 4, 2016

How is the AVID elective class structured? Daily Plans: Friday, 5 August

Happy First Friday AVID Students!
Homework: Please review your syllabus with your parents/guardians.
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: How is the AVID elective class structured?
Objectives: I can...
...describe the purpose of the AVID program at LEC.

...organize my Google Drive.
...follow precise directions to create a reading footprint word cloud.
...predict what a book will be about.
1) Warm Up: AVID Learning Objective Gallery Walk (10 min)

  1. Make sure you can log in to your computer:
    1. Username: (
    2. Password: NCWise/Lunch number
  2. Make sure you can log in to your Cougarmail:
    1. Username: first initial + 4 letters of last name + 3 #s from CCCC id @ (
    2. Password: MMDDYYYY (03161990)
  3. Gallery Walk:
    1. Read the AVID objective posters.
    2. Post a sticky note saying what components of AVID you are most excited about (college research, learning to be organized, etc.).
2) Success Workshop: Organizing your Google Drive and Binders (15 min)
  1. Make sure you have a "Daily" and "TRF" section in your AVID Binder.
  2. Put your name on the cover of all notebooks and binders.
  3. Create a Google Folder for all classes in your Lee County Drive. Share this with your Cougarmail account.
3) Literacy Block: Book Club Fridays (45 min)
  1. The Basics:
    1. Discuss: When is reading enjoyable? When is reading boring? When is reading difficult?
    2. SO...Why book clubs? (Which quote or fact stands out to you the most? Stand-Share-Sit to tell your table-mates your thoughts!)
    3. Create your reading footprint:

      1. Think of your favorite books, genres, authors, characters, topics to read about, etc. You will display this information in a word cloud to share with your classmates.
      2. Go to Tagul here to generate your word cloud.
      3. Select "Get Started". 
      4. Log in with Google.
      5. Choose "Create new word cloud".
      6. Select "Import words" on the upper left.
      7. Type in your list of authors, books, etc. To keep words together, put a squiggle between the words (ex: Harry~Potter).
      8. Select "Import words".
      9. Change any other settings you wish (I found the image link to a footprint and used that since it's a reading footprint. Here's the link if you want it:
      10. Select "Visualize".
      11. At the top of the screen, rename your word cloud.
      12. Click the disk toward the bottom right to save your work.
      13. Right click on your word cloud and copy it. (Trouble Shooting: No copy option? Save image and then add the image to your Google Doc - it will be under downloads. File not working? Screenshot and crop.)
      14. In your AVID folder, create a Google Document called "Your Name - Reading Footprint" and paste your image into this document.
      15. Find two people who like the same author, genre, or books as you do. Find one person who likes something different.
    4. What will we do?
      1. Browse through books and predict what they will be about and who might enjoy them.
      2. Choose one book to read for each quarter.
      3. Read during AVID on Thursdays and in DEAR in Advisory on Mondays and Fridays.
      4. Engage in book-based discussions and activities during class on Fridays.
  2. Today's Task: 
    1. Skim the book at your seat and answer the following questions in your summary in the document here.
      1. Based on the cover and title of the book, what do you think the book will be about?
      2. Read the inside flap or back of the book. Who are some main characters in this book? What is this book about? What conflicts may occur in this book?
      3. Read reviews inside the book OR on Goodreads. What do other people say about the book?
      4. Based on what you have seen, who should read this book?
      5. Need ideas? See if there is a movie version of the book and watch the trailer. 
      6. *Note the norms for adding to a class document: Avoid deleting or changing work that is not yours. Keep comments and writing relevant to the task at hand. If you think your work has been deleted, ask your teacher for help.*
    2. Read through other book reviews and start to choose your top six books.
3) Family Day Time!
  1. Teacher and LEC Question and Answer
  2. Play "I'm an LEC student and you're an LEC student too if...".
  3. Free time!

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