Wednesday, August 3, 2016

What structures do I need to know about at LEC? Daily Plans: Thursday, 4 August

Welcome AVID Students!
Homework: Please review your syllabus with your parents/guardians.
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: What structures do I need to know about at LEC?
Objectives: I can...
...describe the purpose of the AVID program at LEC.
...list the online structures LEC and CCCC use.
...characterize an AVID student. 
1) Warm Up: Flash Forward

  1. Get a notebook!
  2. Set up Cornell notes for today: "What structures do I need to know about at LEC?"
  3. Respond to the following questions in writing or a comic strip: Imagine it's your first day of college in your freshman year. What are you thinking? Where are you? What are you looking forward to? What have you done to prepare you for this day?
2) Welcome to AVID!
  1. Before you read: 
    1. AVID stands for "Advancement via Individual Determination". What are you determined to do?
    2. Shout it out on the count of 3.
  2. As you read the AVID Syllabus, note questions on sticky notes.
  3. After you read:
    1. Discuss: What should group work look like? Not look like?
    2. Break into groups.
    3. Create a one-pager showcasing your group's learning objective.
      1. Middle: Your objective
      2. Four Corners: Key terms
      3. Other Space: Three relevant illustrations and doodles
3) We are AVID!
  1. Before you read: Connections: (When you hear your answer, stand up, first person up talks until someone else stands up.)
    1. Say your name.
    2. Examples of things to say: I choose LEC because... I hope to graduate with my ____ because... I will go to ____ for college.
  2. While you read the AVID Short and look at the WICOR poster above (link here), list the goals of AVID.
  3. After you read: Let's get organized! Log in to EVERYTHING! **If you change your password, YOU are responsible for remembering it. Inability to log in to something is YOUR task to deal with and you MUST be able to check emails for college information!**
    1. Suggested Password if prompted to change any password = FirstinitallastnameMMDD!@*? (Example: Mnickel316!)
    2. Totally hopeless with passwords? Use "Cobras16!"
    3. Log in to your Lee County email:
      1. username =
      2. password = lunch/NCWise number
    4. Go here. Click the "Login" button in the upper right hand corner. Try logging in to each thing below. Let me know if you can't.
      1. Central Carolina Community College Logo - Vertical
      2. Cougarmail
        1. username=first initial +first 4 letters of last name + last 3 numbers of student
        2. password (birthday)= MMDDYYYY
    5. Go to to get important information about CCCC.
  4. Then, create yourself as an AVID student. 
    1. Create yourself wearing clothes needed for your career and holding a notebook, pom pom, etc from your dream college. 
    2. Around yourself, list the skills you'll have as an AVID student.
    3. Add your name above your AVID student.
    4. Cut out your AVID student and slide it into your binder cover. 
    5. **We expect your name to be visible on the front of your binders when we do binder checks so this is a perfect way to do that!**
4) Exit Ticket: Questions? Go!

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