Thursday, August 18, 2016

What structures can you use to succeed? (Day 10) Daily Plans: Friday, 19 August

Happy Tuesday AVID Students!

-Late TPEQEAs due ASAP!
-Organize your binders and revise your notes :)
-Enjoy the 3 day weekend!
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: What structures can you use to succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...synthesize what I read.

Book Character Paper Bags
(Ideas here)
...prioritize current problems.
...present a skit.
1) Book Club Meeting One (20 min)

  1. Break into book club books.
  2. Share your favorite line from the book so far.
  3. Check your contract.
  4. Complete today's task.
  5. If necessary, change your next page goal and task.

2) Current Issues Roots and Solutions (45 min)
  1. Get Ready (15 min)
    1. Skim BBC's Week in Pictures from 30 July - 5 August. What pictures would add to update this?
    2. Choose 2-3 sources from the document here to read/skim/watch. Gather evidence about roots of current issues, facts about current issues, and ideas for solutions.
    3. Review the ground rules for seminars:
      1. Step up, Step back! (Everyone talks)
      2. Refer to resources
      3. Speak from YOUR experiences
      4. Assume positive intent
  2. Voice your thoughts: Contribute to the whole class seminar that tackles the following questions:
    1. What are the roots of the problems we see today? (aka: Why are these issues in the first place?)
    2. How can we begin to address these problems on a personal, school, community, state, national, and international level?
    3. What do we need to learn about to have the knowledge to solve problems?
  3. Debrief: Fill in the form below:

3) Paint Chip Skits (15 min)
  1. Break into groups of 3-5.
  2. Create a skit, interpretative dance, rap, poem, song, etc that uses the name of each paint chip you have.
  3. Share your skit with the class. 

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