Wednesday, August 17, 2016

What structures can you use to succeed? (Day 9) Daily Plans: Thursday, 18 August

Happy Thursday AVID Students!
-TRFs start next week!
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: What structures can you use to succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...evaluate my learning this week.

...identify current events of interest.
...give and use feedback about writing. my book club book. 
1) Warm Up: Learning Log (5 min)
  1. Take out your learning log (TOC #5).
  2. Choose one of the prompts to respond to.
  3. Write a three sentence reflection on your learning this week.
  4. Done early? Illustrate your claim or create a border using relevant key terms.
    2) Lesson Plan: What current events matter to us? (35 min)
    1. What matters to you? (5 min)
      1. Number off into groups.
      2. Identify your "character".
        1. Hispanic farm worker, citizen of the United States
        2. Young African immigrant from Eritrea, studying civil engineering
        3. White male business lawyer
        4. Female veteran from Operation Iraqi Freedom
        5. Lumbee Indian who works in a factory
      3. If you want to, add details about your person: age, sex, gender identity, ethnicity, interests, education level, income, etc
      4. Predict what issues your fictional person might care about. Write these on the back of your index card.
    2. Consensus Seeking Groups: (10 min)
      1. Break into jigsawed groups with one person from each profile.
      2. Describe your person and list two-three issues you person would want to see addressed.
      3. Come to consensus: What are the TWO issues that need to be addressed first?
      4. Discuss: What points-of-view are not represented? Will they still care about the issues we chose?
    3. Resource Dig: (10 min) 
      1. Work with your group to find two articles and/or videos that relate to ONE of the topics chosen.
      2. Post these in the document here.
    3) Literacy Block: TPEQEA Revisions (25 min)

    1. Before you Peer Review:
      1. Open your Current Issues TPEQEA paragraph.
      2. Highlight 1-2 sections and write a specific question (Documented Writing Concern) that you would like your partner to provide feedback on.
        1. Example: I cited an online news article, is my citation in the correct format? Is the claim I make in my point sentence clear?
        2. Non-Example: Is my paragraph good?
    2. While you Peer Review:
      1. Swap computers.
      2. Respond to your partner's DWCs.
      3. Provide a comment at the top of their document that tells them if they need to fix any of the following:
        1. Each letter in TPEQEA and box in your table can only have ONE sentence! Be concise.
        2. Use complete sentences.
        3. Check grammar and spelling.
        4. Use in-text citations for all quotes or paraphrased information (if you didn't say it, cite it!).
        5. The paragraph is complete.
      4. End by telling your partner one awesome thing about their paragraph. Example: "Your paragraph is convincing because ____."
    3. After you Peer Review:
      1. Use your partner's feedback to make revisions.
      2. Fill in the Next Steps box at the bottom of your table.
      3. Make sure you have renamed your document to include your name.
      4. Share your document with me (
    4) Success Workshop: Book Club Prep Time (Read for 15 min)

    5) Exit Ticket: Review your SMART goal from Monday. What do you have left to do to meet your goal?

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