Monday, August 22, 2016

What can games teach us about the power of questions? (Day 1) Daily Plans: Tuesday, 23 August

Happy Tuesday AVID Students!

-Read (1st block gets Speak, Stitching Snow, How it Went Down - check Book Club Resources tab if you are in 3rd or 4th!)
-TRF is due Thursday! This is your BEST attempt! Not sure what to put in a box? Write a question!
-LATE TPEQEAs must be shared ASAP
-Organize your binders and revise your notes
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: What can games teach us about the power of questions?
Objectives: I can...
...figure out how to play a game.

...write questions using each of Costa's levels.
...plan for a successful week!
1) Warm Up: Three Questions (10 min)

While walking to the student center on a hot summers day, you stumbled across a genie lamp. The genie is out of wishes and offers to answer three questions instead. Write or draw a comic answering:
  1. List: What questions do you ask? 
  2. Justify each question.
  3. Describe the answer you would hope for.
  4. Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up and share one question you would ask and why.
2) Lesson Plan: Rush Hour Game Play + Questioning (25 min)
  1. Before you play:
    1. Poll: Have you played the game Rush Hour before? Don't tell us how to play!
    2. Share what you've observed: What is real life rush hour like? Traffic jams? Have you been stuck in a very crowded, overparked parking lot before? How do people get out?
  2. While you play:
    1. Go to the link here. Check the top. If your board is not set on "Easy - 5 Vehicles", select "Easy" right underneath the game board.
    2. When the music stops, pause and ask your partner a question from the list. He or she will write down the question and answer and then ask you a question. Questions to ask:
      1. What is the goal of the game? How do you know?
      2. What are the rules of the game?
      3. Have you found any helpful strategies?
      4. Describe what you have tried.
      5. What is your next step going to be?
      6. Have you gotten an "impossible" board? Are you sure it was impossible?
      7. How have you thought about arranging the cars?
      8. Can you relate this game to real life? How?
    3. Underneath the table, note any strategies you have used that are helping you play the game and advance to new boards.
  3. After you play: Complete the Observations and Reflection on your Rush Hour Play Log.
 3) Literacy Block: Costa's Levels of Thinking and Questioning (30 min)
  1. Before you read, list what you need to know about an assignment before starting it.
  2. While you read your "Solving Puzzles and Playing Games using Costa's Levels":
    1. Highlight reminders for yourself.
    2. Note any questions you have in the margins or with a question mark.
    3. *Please note that under Part 2: Create your Puzzle/Game Guide some changes have been made to decrease the number of questions you need to write. See "Our Play Guide" for updated info.*
  3. After you read:
    1. Watch the video below. As you watch add question words to your diagram of Costa's house.
    2. Then, create your own visual of Costa's levels (mine is a pumpkin chocolate chip cupcake with frosting).
    3. Add one question from levels 1-3 around your drawing. Your questions can be about your book club book or a class that confuses you sometimes. 
    4. Choose your partner. 
    5. Work together to highlight in one color the verbs on your Costa's level sheet (front and back) that you KNOW and in another color that you need to LOOK UP.
    6. Find or make your own game and record your names and game URL on BOTH of the "Our Play Guide" sheets. (You and your partner will both fill out these sheets AND the questions should be similar. This is so you can both have a resource with sample questions AND someone to come up with ideas with!)
      1. Resources:
        1. Free Online Games 
        2. Think Fun 
        3. Cool Math 4 Kids
        4. Mindbend Puzzles - Plymouth
        5. Fun and Games
        6. Discovery Education Brain Boosters
        7. Logic puzzle generator
        8. Math is Fun puzzles 
        9. Short cabinet with games in it
        10. Your brain!
    7. Organize your materials: "Costa's Levels" = TOC #8 AND "Solving Puzzles and Playing Games" = TOC #9
4) Success Workshop and Closing Tasks:
  1. Check both your Lee County and Cougarmail emails. Respond as needed.
  2. Fill in your weekly agenda.
  3. Write your SMART goal for the week.

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