Tuesday, August 23, 2016

What can games teach us about the power of questions? (Day 2) Daily Plans: Wednesday, 24 August

Happy Wednesday AVID Students!

-Read (3rd block gets Speak, Stitching Snow, How it Went Down - check Book Club Resources tab if you are in 1st or 4th!)
-TRF is due TOMORROW! This is your BEST attempt! Not sure what to put in a box? Write a question!
-Re-Organize your binders and revise your notes
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: What can games teach us about the power of questions?
Objectives: I can...

...plan how I will review for math.
...evaluate the impact of questions and answers on learning.
...write questions using each of Costa's levels.
...organize my materials.
1) Warm Up: Create a Math Studying Cheat Sheet (10 min)

Benchmarks are this week! Get ready to review :)
  1. Copy the document here and rename it "Your Name - Plan of Attack for Studying Math".
  2. Add steps, tips, and resources to your document.
  3. Return to this document as you study for your benchmarks this week!
2) Literacy Block: Questions VS Answers (25 min)
  1. Before you read: (5 min)
    1. Complete the quickwrite on your note sheet.
    2. Choose one of the articles or comics below:
      1. The Single Most Important Habit for Innovative Thinkers
      2. The Best Way to Get the Right Answer on the Internet
      3. The One Conversational Tool that will Make You Better at Absolutely Everything
      4. The Most Common Answer on the ACT
      5. Mused, "A Day at the Park" - A Comic on Questions vs Answers
      6. In Praise of Hard Questions
  2. While you read: (12 min)
    1. Fill in the star diagram as you read.
    2. Be sure to look up two new words and define them!
  3. After you read: Partner Talk + Summary (5 min)
    1. Stand up, find a partner, and summarize what you read.
    2. Return to your seat and complete the summary.
 3) Lesson Plan: Costa's Levels of Thinking and Questioning (35 min)
*Question guides MUST be finished before class tomorrow! Work efficiently!*
  1. Sit with your partner.
  2. Take out or pull up your game. 
    1. Resources:
      1. Free Online Games 
      2. Think Fun 
      3. Cool Math 4 Kids
      4. Mindbend Puzzles - Plymouth
      5. Fun and Games
      6. Discovery Education Brain Boosters
      7. Logic puzzle generator
      8. Math is Fun puzzles 
      9. Short cabinet with games in it
      10. Your brain!
  3. Create your Our Play Guide. Both of you need to write this down!
    1. Refer to TOC #8 for verbs.
    2. Look at the image to the right (or see the link here) for question ideas.
    3. Here are some examples (You may use no more than ONE of these word for word):
      1. Level 1: List what you know about basketball. (if playing a basketball-inspired game)
      2. Level 2: What did you do in the first round that worked that is similar to something you can do in this round? (For someone who is stuck and needs a better plan, this is asking someone to compare and contrast)
      3. Level 3: Create a new rule for the game and predict what would happen (for after you are done playing to see what the players got)
  4. Remember to highlight clues as to what level each question is.
4) Success Workshop and Closing Tasks: Peer Binder and Note Check
  1. Take out your binders and notebooks.
  2. Switch seats with a neighbor.
  3. Flip through your neighbor's work and fill out the Google form below. YOU are the grader and their information gets graded.
  4. *This is a trial run! You will do a graded check next week, so fix your organization and notes as needed!*

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