Wednesday, August 24, 2016

What can games teach us about the power of questions? (Day 3) Daily Plans: Thursday, 25 August

Happy Thursday AVID Students!

-Read (3rd block gets Speak, Stitching Snow, How it Went Down - check Book Club Resources tab if you are in 1st or 4th!)
-Re-Organize your binders and revise your notes
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: What can games teach us about the power of questions?
Objectives: I can...

...reflect on the relevance of what I am learning.
...ask and answer questions.
...make claims and support them with evidence.
1) Warm Up: Learning Log (10 min)

  1. Turn in your TRF for feedback!
  2. Take out your learning log (TOC #5) and complete today's log.
  3. Share your comic with at least 2 other people in Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up.

2) Lesson Plan: Game Play (40 min)
  1. Pair up with another set of partners. (If we have an odd number of pairs, one group will be asked to split up so we have an even number of groups to work with)
  2. Play the other group's game. They will ask you questions and record your answers. You have 15 min.
  3. Switch who plays and who asks and records questions and repeat.
  4. End with a brief Philosophical Chairs: Which are more important to learning, questions or answers?
 3) Literacy Block: The Power of Questions (30 min)
  1. Open your current issues TPEQEA from last week. Read and use my feedback to make revisions (10 min). 
  2. With the feedback in mind, select a prompt under "Part 4: The Power of Questions" and respond in a TPEEA paragraph.
  3. When you are done, turn in your packet.
  4. With any remaining time, read to prepare for our book club tomorrow.

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