Thursday, August 25, 2016

What actions can I take to change the world for the better? Daily Plans: Friday, 26 August

Happy Friday AVID Students!

-Read (4th block gets Speak, Stitching Snow, How it Went Down - check Book Club Resources tab if you are in 3rd or 4th!)
-Re-Organize your binders and revise your notes
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: What actions can I take to change the world for the better?
Objectives: I can...

...synthesize what I've read.
...participate in current event simulations.
...reassess what issues matter the most to me.
1) Book Club Meeting Two (20 min)

  1. Take out your book and meet with your book group.
  2. Share your favorite line or quote from what you read this week. Justify your choice.
  3. Complete your task on your book club contract.
  4. Reminders: Next week will be your week to prepare for the book club potluck on Sept 9. NOTE: This is a change...Sept 9 got left off the contract so you have one extra week :)
The lighter the color, the closer people's incomes are,
darker, more unequal distribution of wealth
2) Current Issues Exploration Stations - Beginning to Walk in Others' Shoes (60 min)
  1. Number off into four groups. Review the tasks for each station and begin rotating. Record your explorations as you work on your station passport.
  2. Station 1: Spent - What choices would you make if you didn't have a lot of money?
    1. Discuss with your group and predict: How much money do you think it takes to survive for a month? List how your family makes and spends money in general categories on your passport.
    2. In pairs, play Spent.
    3. Record one shocking statistic from the introduction.
    4. Describe which decision was the hardest to agree upon and why.
    5. Note: How many days did you make it by? What expense pushed you past your budget? What would you do differently next time?
    6. Tab My Money Check Up or sign up for it now to help you stay on track with your money in the future
  3. Station 2: Oil Spill Clean Up - How do we fix and prevent environmental disasters?
    1. Skim through the images of the Santa Barbara oil spill (2015) here.
    2. Use the images and materials in front of you for ideas and remove as much oil and as little water from the bowl as you can while keeping the pom pom "seal" free of oil but in the water.
    3. Review the map of oil spills and the diagram of the rigs. Suggest and justify two changes to prevent future oil spills.
    4. Explore environmental issues further by playing Smog City 2
  4. Station 3: Text, Talk, Act - How do we talk about mental illness?
    1. Preview your task by reading the infographic to the right OR going here.
    2. Choose a digital recorder who has a smart phone and is on the school's wifi OR who has unlimited data.
    3. Text "START" to 89800 and follow the cues. Take 3ish minutes per discussion, instead of 10 min. 
    4. Guidelines:
      1. Avoid using names when talking about others. 
      2. Step up, step back. 
      3. Pass as needed.
      4. Assume positive intent.
      5. See me if you need to step out of this conversation.
    5. Fill out your passport.
    6. Find wonderful resources from Half of Us
  5. Station 4: Race Literacy Quiz - What differences make a difference?
    1. Write down your answers to the 14 questions.
    2. Compare your answers with your group mates.
    3. Read the key.
    4. Record on your passport: What facts surprised you the most? Does this change instances of racism we see today?
    5. Explore further at PBS's RACE: the power of illusion site

3) Exit Ticket: Complete the final section of your stations passport and turn this in to me!

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