Sunday, May 1, 2016

Where am I going? How will I get there? What will I give back? 10 Day Review Day 1: Monday, 2 May

Happy Monday Successful Students!
Homework: Meet your SMART goals for today!
Big Idea: Structured review can support success
Essential Question: Where am I going? How will I get there? What will I give back?
Objectives: I can...
...self-assess my performance to determine what I need to review.
...set SMART goals.
...take Cornell notes.
...contribute to redesigning Sanford.
1) Warm Up: TOC Round Up + Study Tool Planning (20 min)
On Thursday you will share study tools in study groups. Today, you will identify what you need to review and decide how you will review.
  1. Set up a table with two columns, one naming your classes and one with space to tally.
  2. Look at your TOC from one class. Flip through your binder.
  3. Put a tally in the second column for each assignment you need to review.
  4. Repeat for each class.
  5. Check your grades in PowerSchool.
  6. Fill in the form below. Use the links listed to decide which tool you want to createVideo Collage; Graphic Organizers; Lesson Plan

2) Literacy Block: Assessing my SMART Goal Writing (20 min)
  1. Before you write a SMART goal:
    1. Look at your exam calendar.
    2. Highlight the days you have exams.
    3. Ask questions.
  2. Practice writing SMART goals on the website here. Start with an example SMART goal you may set for 10 day review. 
    1. Example: I will make 10 flashcards for each class.
    2. Non-Example: I will go to the beach.
  3. After you practice, set SMART goals for each class for each day of 10 day review. Check with a neighbor to ensure your goals are SMART!
3) Lesson Plan: Study Tool Note Taking (20 min)
  1. Take 15 minutes to take Cornell notes on your topic for your study tool. Use old class notes, tutorial videos, helpful websites, a neighbor's notes, and/or your textbook. (Here are the concepts you said you wanted to review.)
  2. Pass your notes to a neighbor.
  3. Write 2 HOT questions in the margins of the notes that you are looking at that can be answered using the notes.
  4. Add one suggestion for your partner.
  5. Pass your notes back.
  6. Write a summary on your own notes.
4) Closing Task: Sanford Redesign Time (20 min)
Tomorrow is your last day with your current group, then we will move into presentation groups!
  1. Get with your group.
  2. Make sure everyone knows what to do.
  3. Continue working!

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