Monday, May 2, 2016

Where am I going? How will I get there? What will I give back? 10 Day Review Day 2: Tuesday, 3 May

Happy Tuesday Successful Students!
Homework: Meet your SMART goals for today!
Big Idea: Structured review can support success
Essential Question: Where am I going? How will I get there? What will I give back?
Objectives: I can...
...contribute to redesigning Sanford.
...relate mindfulness to my study habits.
...create a study tool.
1) Warm Up: Sanford Redesign (Until 1:50)
Tomorrow is your last day with your current group. On Thursday you will make sure you are ready to present. 
  1. Get with your group
  2. Make sure everyone knows what to do.
  3. Continue working!
  4. Fill in your log from today.
  5. Keep your log out.
2) Literacy Block: Mindfulness (Until 2:15)
  1. Practice mindfulness and being okay with quiet (an important exam skill!) by putting headphones away.
  2. Open and copy the document here.
  3. Complete each task.
  4. Show me when you are done!
3) Success Workshop: Create your Study Tool (Until 2:42)
  1. Check the checklist on the top of the document here. Are you on track?
  2. Take out your Cornell notes from yesterday and recall the concepts you said you planned to review. (Look Here).
  3. Open the study tool template you need: Video Collage; Graphic Organizers; Lesson Plan
    1. Notes for Graphic Organizers:
      1. Put one concept on each page. 
      2. Write a summary. 
      3. Add a sketch if that will help.
      4. On the grid page, list key terms/math steps/practice problems/diagrams that relate to each topic.
      5. Cut these out.
      6. Sort them and take a picture to be your key.
      7.  Paper clip everything together.
  4. Begin creating your study tool.
4) Exit Ticket: Learning Log for Today
  1. Describe an aha! moment you had today OR list a question you realized you need to ask your teacher.
  2. Tell me what you think you should talk about at your station for the Sanford Redesign Panel. (See what is starred on your sheet!)

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