Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Where am I going? How will I get there? What will I give back? Daily Plans: Thursday, 28 April

Happy Thursday Sanford Redesigners!
-Career Fair tomorrow!
Big Idea: Powerful choices require knowledge
Essential Question: Where am I going? How will I get there? What will I give back?
Objectives: I can...
...make a claim citing evidence from graphs.
...present a skit to help my classmates succeed.
...send a formal email. on our component of redesigned Sanford.
1) Warm Up: Are we doing well enough? (7 min)
  1. Look at the infographic (from 2013) to the right.
  2. Discuss at your table: Based on the graphs provided, are early colleges successful?
  3. On your whiteboard: State a claim that refers to one of the graphs and suggest one action step. Justify your action step.
    1. Example: As shown in the ______ (pie chart/picture graph) early colleges are/are not successful because______. Early colleges should keep doing _____/need to change ____. This will encourage success by _______.
  4. Share this with the class.
2) Lesson Plan/Literacy Block: Success After AVID Skit Presentations (20 min)
  1. Before the skits: Set up a note sheet. EQ: What will I do to be successful after finishing AVID?
  2. During the skits:
    1. Perform your skit.
    2. While watching, take as many notes as possible. Try color coding successful and unsuccessful choices or strategies. You could also use a T-chart.
    3. Skit Topics:
      1. Budget Team: This semester you have two online courses. You are absent from classes at LEC for three days in a row - the first two are snow days and you get a cold so you miss a third. What do you do (or do not do) about your online classes to ensure you get a C or higher?
      2. Architect Team: You have decided you want to go to a private four year university. You cannot figure out how your classes will transfer to that school. What do you do?
      3. Design Team: You are struggling in one of your college classes at CCCC. Your professor's office hours are during one of your other classes. What do you do?
      4. Tech Innovation Team: You just got your schedule for your shifts at Lowe's Foods and you have three birthday parties coming up. You also have a paper for Ms. Regan and a test in Biology. How do you balance it all?
      5. Marketing Team: You did not turn in a major assignment for a college class at CCCC and have a zero on that assignment. You now have a D and only 4 grades left for the semester. What do you do?
    4. Expectations:
      1. Every group member talks at least twice.
      2. We can tell if your group is demonstrating successful or unsuccessful choices.
      3. You use accurate details about college policies and resources.
      4. Each member uses an audible voice.
  3. After the skit:
  4. LEC Graduation from before I started teaching here :)
    1. Compare your notes to a neighbors. Add on.
    2. Do a one minute quickwrite: What will you do to be as successful as possible at LEC/CCCC?
    3. Skim through the sample emails here.
    4. Discuss: What makes an email professional? Unprofessional? What features do professional emails have?
    5. Finally, work with your group to send me a formal email asking me a question related to your skit.
3) Lesson Plan Part 2: Sanford Redesign (Until 2:42)
    1. Revisit your timeline for today.
    2. Meet with any groups as necessary.
    3. Get to work!
    4. *Final products must be as close to done as possible TODAY. Come in at lunch or after school if you need to!*
4) Exit Ticket: Fill in your Sanford Redesign log for today!

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