Tuesday, December 8, 2015

How can I structure my studying to help me succeed? 10 Day Review: Wednesday, 9 December

Happy Wednesday AVID Family!
  1. Complete your study calendar goal! 
  2. Finish your study tool. 
Big Idea: Structures lead to success
Essential Question: How can I structure my studying to help me succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...analyze my use of Tutorials.
...use study tools.
...describe what I have reviewed.
...identify my next steps.
1) Warm Up: Tutorial Analysis Grade Reflection Part C (10 min)

  1. Rewrite your grades from 9 November in the top row of the table in TAG Reflection Part C.
  2. Find your new grades on PowerSchool.
  3. Complete the reflection. Have Tutorials helped you? Have you used Tutorials efficiently and effectively?

2) Literacy Block: Is this question essential? (10 min)
  1. Share recent Essential Questions from your classes (check blogs!).
  2. Identify: What makes a question essential?
  3. Write an essential question for your study tool. You can do this at the top of a video log or on the back of a review game or graphic organizer. 
3) Group Study Time! (Switch rooms at 1:50)
Today and tomorrow you will create study tools. Today we will work in groups with students who created study tools for the same class.
  1. Take 5 minutes to put final touches on your Study Tool.
  2. Move to your study group's room (1:50)
    1. Mrs. Testa: Math 1 and 2
    2. Ms. Nickel: EES, Biology, Reading
    3. I wish our study spaces looked like this...
    4. Ms. Cunkelman: World History, C&E
  3. Take 2 minutes to share study tools.
  4. Decide how to study:
    1. Play people's games.
    2. Watch videos.
    3. Use the tabs on graphic organizers.
    4. Work out problems on white boards.
  5. Study! (Until 2:20)
  6. Complete your Group Study Reflection.
  7. Use your reflection to study quietly on your own.

4) Exit Ticket: Learning Log 
  1. Fill in your Learning Log at 2:40 and then return Group Study Reflection to your AVID teacher.
  2. Return this to your binder and TOC (#28: Learning Log).

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