Wednesday, October 7, 2015

What Career Cluster fits best with who I am? Daily Plans: Thursday, 8 October

Happy Thursday AVID Family!
-LATE Field Trip forms due ASAP!!!!
Big Idea: Systems can lead to success
Essential Question: What Career Cluster fits best with who I am?
Objectives: I can...
...practice grammar skills.
...write a paragraph about your career cluster choice.
...organize and revise my work.
1) Warm Up: Grammar Bytes (10 min)
  1. 1st Block: Parallel Structure
    1. Complete the exercise here.
  2. 4th Block: Their/They're/There
    1. Go to the link here
    2. Write your answer on the line.
    3. Did you get it wrong? Write the correct answer in the margin.
    4. Did you get it right? *Star* question.
    5. At the top of your paper, write your number correct over your number finished!
2) Literacy Block (15 min): Explaining Grammar Rules
  1. 1st Block: Parallel Structure
    1. Read the rules on your print out. In the examples, highlight and annotate what makes structure nonparallel or parallel.
    2. Complete the exercise here.
    3. Answer the questions and highlight your answers as you go. 
    4. *Star* questions you answer correctly. 
  2. 4th Block: Their/They're/There
    1. Read the tip sheet.
    2. In the margins, write what each Their/They're/There means (ex: can't = cannot, where = place).
    3. Grammar Correction Challenge!
      1. Write a sentence using the wrong form of their/they're/there. You have 45 seconds.
      2. Pass your paper to the right.
      3. Correct the sentence in 30 seconds.
      4. Write a new sentence and pass!
  3. Add your tip sheet/rules to your binder: TOC #23, ________ Tips and Rules and Practice
    3) Lesson Plan (30 min): My Career Cluster
    1. Open the assignment document.
    2. Read your task for today.
    3. You will write a TPEQEA paragraph with TWO examples and NO quote!
    4. Remember, refer to your "Ways to Respond to Quotes" sheet (TOC #22) if you need ideas for your elaboration!
    4) Success Workshop: Time to Revise and Organize (for note revisions, start with AVID)

    1. Add HOT questions to your notes. 
    2. Write summaries.
    3. Highlight key terms.
    4. Make sure your binder is organized.
    5. Do you need new TOCs? Get them!

    5) Exit Ticket: Start SMART

    1. Write a SMART goal sharing what you will do this quarter to meet your vision of success.
    2. Post this under "Learn, Earn, and Conquer".
    3. Each time you do something that helps you reach this goal, you can add a star sticker to your index card.
    Homework: LATE Field Trip Forms ASAP!
    Accuplacer Review Help:
    -Use the correct answer explanations for Sentence Skills here.
    -Use the resource here to understand how writing is laid out.
    -Use Grammar Bytes for interactive exercises and clear explanations!

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