Thursday, October 8, 2015

How has your high school career been so far? Family Day: Friday, 8 October

Happy Friday AVID Family!
-LATE Field Trip forms due ASAP!!!!
-Enjoy your Fall Break!
Big Idea: Systems can lead to success
Essential Question: How has your high school career been so far?
Objectives: I can...
...reflect on what I read.
...give feedback about AVID so far.
...teach people to play games I invented.
1) Warm Up: Reading Reflection (5 min + 3 min to share)
  1. Think back through the quarter. What have you read this semester in class, for fun, in DEAR?
  2. Draw what is on your own bookshelf. 
  3. Color code your bookshelf like the one below and make a key.
2) Quarter One AVID Evaluation

3) Family Day

  1. Share shout outs.
  2. Break into pairs.
  3. Play invented games and give feedback.
  4. Free time.

Homework: LATE Field Trip Forms ASAP!
Accuplacer Review Help:
-Use the correct answer explanations for Sentence Skills here.
-Use the resource here to understand how writing is laid out.
-Use Grammar Bytes for interactive exercises and clear explanations!

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