Tuesday, October 6, 2015

What Career Cluster fits best with who I am? Daily Plans: Wednesday, 7 October

Happy Wednesday AVID Family!
-Field Trip form due Thursday
**College Fair TONIGHT at the Civic Center, 6-7:30pm! Want Extra Credit? Use the cheat sheet and 3-2-1!**
Big Idea: Systems can lead to success
Essential Question: What Career Cluster fits best with who I am?
Objectives: I can...
...organize my upcoming tasks.
...practice reading science texts.
...describe why someone might want to consider my Career Cluster.
1) Warm Up: Seven for You (7 min)
  1. Add upcoming due dates to your Google Calendar. Mark Fall Break (Oct 12-13).
  2. Check and respond to emails.
2) Literacy Block (7 min): Sample Science Questions from the ACT
  1. Take five minutes to answer as many questions as you can. To answer, click the letter of your choice. It will tell you if you are correct or not.
  2. Discuss: What made this hard? Easy?
    3) Lesson Plan (10 min): My Career Cluster
    1. Read today's task (See: Wednesday-Thursday - the section highlighted in yellow!)
    2. Create a list or flow chart with ten reasons someone should consider your Career Cluster.
      1. Ex: Consider the Education and Training cluster if you love working with other people! It is not just teaching!
    4) Success Workshop: Trashketball or Missing Work Room

    5) Exit Ticket: Complete your reflection and return it to your AVID teacher!

    Homework: Field Trip form due Thursday
    Accuplacer Review Help:
    -Use the correct answer explanations for Sentence Skills here.
    -Use the resource here to understand how writing is laid out.

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