Tuesday, October 6, 2015

What Career Cluster fits best with who I am? (Day 2) Daily Plans: Tuesday, 6 October

Happy Tuesday AVID Family!
-Research note check tomorrow: Cluster Basics and Contact Info
-Modified TRF due tomorrow!
-Field Trip form due Thursday
**College Fair TOMORROW at the Civic Center, 6-7:30pm!**
Big Idea: System
Essential Question: What Career Cluster fits best with who I am?
Objectives: I can...
...list strategies for professional public speaking.
...find a professional working in the Career Cluster you are interested.
...practice note taking and making.
...organize my work.
1) Warm Up: Twenty Second Speeches
  1. Draw a card.
  2. Convince us we need the thing listed on your card.
  3. Then, as a class create a T-chart. What was convincing? Not helpful?
2) Literacy Block: Better Public Speaking
  1. Before you Read: Prepare for reading by setting up your notes.
    1. Create a bubble chart:
      1. Title of the article in the middle bubble
      2. 7 subheading bubbles with the bold text from the article
    2. *Star* things you already do well as a public speaker.
  2. While you Read: Add what you need to remember.
  3. undefined
    Sonia Bingham, NPS Park Scientist
    1. Add two mini circles with action steps, tips, or suggestions related to each of the seven bold tips.
    2. Check the ones you already do.
  4. After you Read: Highlight what you need to remember to do as you work toward your presentations.
    3) Lesson Plan: My Career Cluster
    1. Read today's task.
    2. Find someone working at a university or in industry who works in the Career Cluster you are interested in.
    3. Record this person's name, job title, company or place of employment, and contact information.
    4. List five questions you would ask this person about pursuing a career in your chosen Career Cluster.
    4) Success Workshop: Organize your Work
    1. Make sure all papers are actually in binder rings.
    2. Check that your TOC matches your papers.
    3. Add upcoming due dates to your Google Calendar.
    5) Exit Ticket: Check and respond to emails!

    Homework: Field Trip form due Thursday
    Accuplacer Review Help:
    -Use the correct answer explanations for Sentence Skills here.
    -Use the resource here to understand how writing is laid out.

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