Sunday, October 18, 2015

What Career Cluster fits best with who I am? Daily Plans: Monday, 20 October

Happy Monday AVID Family!
-Presentation due tomorrow! Be ready to present in Advisory!
-Remember you need an ID and NO missing work to go to Activity Day.
-Parent Night on 5 Nov from 6-8pm! Plan to be there!
Big Idea: Systems can lead to success
Essential Question: What Career Cluster fits best with who I am?
Objectives: I can...
...write creatively.
...put my notes into presentation format.
1) Warm Up: Creatively Writing (5 min + 3 min to share)

  1. Respond to one of the following.
  2. Then, Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up. Share your response.

2) Lesson Plan (30 min): My Career Cluster
  1. Finish your presentation.
  2. Check to make sure you have finished all work using the document above.
  3. Share all digital work with me.
    1. Piktochart (can be tricky to manipulate, keep it simple and it will look amazing!)
    2. Emaze (easier than prezi, be ready to pause when presenting because it loops)
3) Success Workshop: Time to Revise and Organize (for note revisions, start with AVID)
  1. Add HOT questions to your notes. 
  2. Write summaries.
  3. Highlight key terms.
  4. Make sure your binder is organized.
  5. Do you need new TOCs? Get them!
4) Exit Ticket: Set a SMART goal for the week.
Accuplacer Review Help:
-Use the correct answer explanations for Sentence Skills here.
-Use the resource here to understand how writing is laid out.
-Use Grammar Bytes for interactive exercises and clear explanations!

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