Wednesday, October 14, 2015

What Career Cluster fits best with who I am? Daily Plans: Thursday, 15 October

Happy Thursday AVID Family!
-For tomorrow:

  • Be here BEFORE 8am
  • Report to your location listed in the document below for attendance
  • Wear walking shoes and bring a sweater, it will be cool in the morning and may be cool in some buildings
  • Bring a water bottle!
  • If you want to buy things at the book store, bring $$
  • Bring a writing utensil and something to lean on to write
-Work on your Career Cluster presentation, Monday is your last day to work 
Big Idea: Systems can lead to success
Essential Question: What Career Cluster fits best with who I am?
Objectives: I can...
...photograph the LEC mission statement in action.
...list what I will be doing at NCSU.
...choose a presentation platform.
...begin putting my notes into presentation format.
1) Warm Up: LEC Mission Statement in Action (10 min)
    Lee Early College
  1. Check your group for the field trip scavenger hunt here.
  2. Read LEC's mission statement.
  3. Work with your group. Take three photos showing LEC's mission statement in action.
  4. **Overview of NCSU Trip**
Lee Early College graduates will be collaborative and critical thinkers, effective communicators, lifelong learners with an enthusiasm for curiosity, responsible citizens through positive contributions to the community, scholars, technologically proficient, and workforce ready.
2) Mission Statement (20 min)
  1. Choose a project manager, photojournalist, and copy editor.
    1. Project manager: Make a copy of the template of the NCSU presentation here. On
      Tuesday, make sure everyone is on task.
    2. Photojournalist: Keep track of photos taken. Choose the three best photos of LEC and five best photos of NCSU. Make sure these get emailed to you and added to the presentation.
    3. Copy Editor: Remind group members to write captions as they take photos. After writing captions, make sure they are all typed with the corresponding photographs. Then, help classmates revise grammar and spelling. 
  2. Email the three best photos to the photojournalist.
  3. Write captions for the three LEC photos AND write the LEC mission statement in your own words.
3) Lesson Plan (30 min): My Career Cluster
  1. Open the assignment document.
  2. Make sure you are done with all notes and your TPEEEA paragraph.
  3. Then, choose a presentation platform and start putting your work into your presentation. Platforms to try:
    1. Piktochart (can be tricky to manipulate, keep it simple and it will look amazing!)
    2. Emaze (easier than prezi, be ready to pause when presenting because it loops)
4) Success Workshop: Time to Revise and Organize (for note revisions, start with AVID)
  1. Add HOT questions to your notes. 
  2. Write summaries.
  3. Highlight key terms.
  4. Make sure your binder is organized.
  5. Do you need new TOCs? Get them!
5) Exit Ticket: 
Accuplacer Review Help:
-Use the correct answer explanations for Sentence Skills here.
-Use the resource here to understand how writing is laid out.
-Use Grammar Bytes for interactive exercises and clear explanations!

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