Thursday, October 22, 2015

How can I plan for my future success? Family Day Plans: Friday, 23 October

Happy Friday AVID Family!
Homework: Parent Night on 5 November from 6-8pm!
Big Idea: Everything is related in some way
Essential Question: How can I plan for my future success?
Objectives: I can...
...describe a character from a book I'm reading.
...write about the ideal role of parents at LEC.
...speak persuasively. 
1) Warm Up: DEAR Reflection (5 min + 3 min) 
Respond to one of the prompts below:

  1. Roles Parents Play: Choose a character from a text. Describe the role of that character's parent/s in his/her life. Predict how the events in the story would have changed if your character had your parents instead. (Refer to ATD character charts if you are stuck!)
  2. Career Cluster Match Maker: Choose a character from a text. Tell the skills and values your character has. Identify the best fit Career Cluster for your character and justify your choice. 
2) Book Club: Ideal Role of Parents Wrap Up

  1. 1st Block:
    1. Finish Socratic Seminar.
    2. Write TPEQEA Paragraph.
3) Family Day:

  1. Grab Bag Sales Pitch
    1. Choose an item from the bag.
    2. Make a NEW use for this item.
    3. Sell the item, referring only to the new use, to the audience.
  2. Free time!

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