Thursday, October 29, 2015

How can I help build the best education for myself? Daily Plans: Friday, 30 October

Happy Friday AVID Family!
Homework: Parent Night on 5 November from 6-8pm! 
Big Idea: Everything is related in some way
Essential Question: How can I help build the best education for myself?
Objectives: I can...
...reflect on what I am reading.
...use setting features to design the best school. community in Family Day!
1) Warm Up: DEAR Reflection (5 min + 3 min)
Choose one of the following to respond two by writing and drawing for 5 minutes.

  1. Add monsters to a book you read recently. How would this change the plot of the story?
  2. Design play or Halloween costumes based off of a book you are reading. Describe and label each costume.
A Tom Sawyer costume is easy to make.
Tom Sawyer
2) Book Club: The Best Fictional School
  1. In your groups, pass two pieces of paper around in different directions.
    1. On the first, everyone writes their response to "The best fictional or real school I've read about is...because...".
    2. On the second, everyone finishes the sentences, "Skills people need to learn are..." and "Schools are great if..." using fictional and real ideas from texts read. 
  2. Discuss your ideal fictional school and name it!
  3. Then, choose two of the following to create:
    1. A map or blueprint of the school
    2. A list of five classes at the school and two things you would learn in each
    3. A menu of school lunches
    4. A school uniform with a labels and justifications for each part
    5. A wanted poster for a new teacher
    6. A list of ten rules for the school
    7. A mascot and mission statement for the school
3) Family Day Free Time!

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