Monday, September 21, 2015

What learning structures can you use to maximize your success? Daily Plans: Tuesday, 22 September

Happy Tuesday AVID Family!
Homework: TRF due Wednesday
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: What learning structures can you use to maximize your success?
Objectives: I can...
...analyze information on graphs.
...create a graphic organizer.
...respond to emails.
1) Warm Up: Graph Analysis (5 minutes)

  1. Set up a note sheet for today.
  2. Graph 1: (to the right)
    1. What does "median weekly earnings" mean?
    2. How much would someone who worked 50 weeks of the year with a high school diploma make? Associate's degree make? Bachelor's degree make?
    3. What does "unemployment rate" mean?
  3. Graph 2: (below)
    1. Explain to your neighbor what this graph is showing.
    2. Based on this graph, do you think action needs to be taken? If so, what?
Want to know more? Look here:

2) Literacy Block: Free College? Income Gaps? Read all about it!

  1. Before you read: 
    1. Think about the graphs above. Which topic are you more interested in exploring - getting college degrees or income differences?
    2. Choose a topic:
      1. Free college? It doesn't fix everything
      2. Is a male nurse worth $5,148 more than a female nurse?
    3. Write the sentence below in your notes: "The topic I will look at is ____ because ______."
  2. While you read: Take notes! Answer the following:
    1. What is the article about? What problems are discussed?
    2. Where to the issues take place?
    3. Who is involved?
    4. What is being done to solve the problems listed?
    5. How should the issues be solved?
  3. After you read:
    1. Compare notes with a neighbor.
    2. Add notes as needed.
    3. Write a HOT question with your neighbor.

3) Lesson Plan: Graphic Organizer Gallery

  1. You will be assigned a graphic organizer to create by Thursday. 
  2. Divide your paper in half. 
    1. On one side you will write the basics about your graphic organizer type:
      1. Describe the use of your graphic organizer.
      2. State: When is your organizer useful?
      3. State: When would you not use this organizer? 
    2. On the other half create a graphic organizer using your notes from the article. 
    3. Graphic organizer resources:
      1. Outlines
      2. Star diagram
      3. Flowchart 
      4. T-Chart
      5. Spider diagram
      6. Cloud diagram
      7. PMI Charts

4) Success Workshop: Professional Communication Time
  1. Check and respond to emails.
  2. Time permitting: Revise your notes!
5) Exit Ticket: What graphic organizers have you used in the past? Do you like graphic organizers? Why or why not?

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