Tuesday, September 22, 2015

How can an inquiry system help us learn? Tutorial Wednesday: 23 September

Happy Tutorial Wednesday AVID Family!
Homework: Graphic Organizers due tomorrow!
Big Idea: Systems
Essential Question: How can an inquiry system help us learn?
Objectives: I can...
...read a poem.
...identify misconceptions.
...plan how I would teach my point of confusion.
(Resource for Tutors)
1) Warm Up: Read and Reflect (5 min)
  1. Read our compiled "Where We are From" poem below.
  2. Pretend you are an anthropologist (person who studies people and culture) 1,000 years from now and this is all you know about our class. List and justify: 
    1. What would you know? 
    2. What might you think you know, but actually be wrong?

2) Literacy Block: Organize It! (12 min)

  1. Finish your graphic organizer from yesterday.
  2. Remember, the left half is YOUR organizer telling us about the article you read. The right half is your evaluation of the organizer you used.

3) Before the Tutorial: Prepare! (Switch rooms at 1:50)
  1. Get your resources out!
    1. Notes
    2. Textbooks
    3. Blog/website posts
    4. Assignments
  2. Break into groups.
    1. Ms. Nickel: Science, History, English, Math
    2. Mrs. Testa: Math 2
    3. Mrs. Cunkelman: Math 1
3) During the Tutorial: Inquire
  1. Tutors moderate!
  2. One presenter will give a 30 second speech.
  3. Then, group members will write a question to ask presenter.
  4. Tutorial starts. Make sure to take three column notes.
  5. Switch to the next presenter.
  6. Repeat.
  7. Finished? Work on homework. Stuck? Ask questions!
4) After the Tutorial: Tutors and Students: Complete the reflection. (at 2:35)

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