Wednesday, September 23, 2015

What learning structures can you use to maximize your success? Daily Plans: Thursday, 24 September

Happy Thursday AVID Family!
Homework: Revise your notes and organize your binders!
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: What learning structures can you use to maximize your success?
Objectives: I can...
...evaluate the importance of organization.
...categorize graphic organizers.
1) Warm Up: Fifteen for You (15 minutes)
  1. Take out "The Whole Picture".
    1. Make sure each scenario is complete.
    2. Highlight each y-intercept and slope in different colors in each representation.
    3. One the front direction page, write one "wow!" for yourself and one thing you are still wondering about this topic.
    4. Turn this in to the drawer for your period.
  2. Put final touches on your graphic organizer poster.
  3. Done early?
    1. Check and respond to emails! (Vote for a theme for Formal!)
    2. Organize your binder.
2) Literacy Block: Organize your Mind to Organize your Life (25 min)
  1. Before you read:

    1. In your notes, draw what happens in your brain when you get stumped on a question.
    2. Skim through the article and list text features you see.
  2. While you partner read: 
    1. Fill out fish bone diagram.
    2. Use the first few paragraphs to identify the problem the author of the article is trying to solve. Note this problem in the tail of the fish.
    3. On one side you will list the rules for organization.
    4. On the other side, list details.
    5. In the head of the fish, analyze why organization is important. 
  3. After you read: 
    1. Instead of listing your tricks for organization, write a PExA to relate this article to your life.
      1. Write a point sentence that responds to the question: Has AVID helped you organize your mind to organize your life?
      2. Provide an example that supports your point.
      3. Analyze the impact AVID has or you hope it will have on your life.
    2. Write two HOT questions in the margins of your notes.
3) Lesson Plan: Graphic Organizer Gallery Walk
  1. You will fill in your Categorization Graphic Organizer during our Gallery Walk.
    1. Round 1: SILENTLY, circulate the room looking at different organizers. Complete your graphic organizer.
    2. Round 2: Share your ideas and questions SILENTLY by adding on to the T-chart for when to use this organizer. List questions off to the side of the T-Chart.
    3. Round 3: Talk to each other! Ask for clarification and share ideas!
  2. Apply what you learned! For two pages in your notes, decide what organizer type you would use for that page of notes. Note this on a sticky note. 
4) Success Workshop: Log in Party and Note Revisions

  1. Make sure that you can log in to:
    1. cougarmail
    2. BlackBoard
    3. PowerSchool
  2. Note Revisions
    1. Add HOT questions to your notes.
    2. Highlight key terms.
    3. Write summaries. 

5) Exit Ticket: What graphic organizers have you used in the past? Do you like graphic organizers? Why or why not?

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