Happy Thursday AVID Family!
Homework: Revise your notes and organize your binders!
Homework: Revise your notes and organize your binders!
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: What learning structures can you use to maximize your success?
Objectives: I can...
Objectives: I can...
...evaluate the importance of organization.
...categorize graphic organizers.
***********************************...categorize graphic organizers.
1) Warm Up: Fifteen for You (15 minutes)
- Take out "The Whole Picture".
- Make sure each scenario is complete.
- Highlight each y-intercept and slope in different colors in each representation.
- One the front direction page, write one "wow!" for yourself and one thing you are still wondering about this topic.
- Turn this in to the drawer for your period.
- Put final touches on your graphic organizer poster.
- Done early?
- Check and respond to emails! (Vote for a theme for Formal!)
- Organize your binder.
- Before you read:
- In your notes, draw what happens in your brain when you get stumped on a question.
- Skim through the article and list text features you see.
- While you partner read:
- Fill out fish bone diagram.
- Use the first few paragraphs to identify the problem the author of the article is trying to solve. Note this problem in the tail of the fish.
- On one side you will list the rules for organization.
- On the other side, list details.
- In the head of the fish, analyze why organization is important.
- After you read:
- Instead of listing your tricks for organization, write a PExA to relate this article to your life.
- Write a point sentence that responds to the question: Has AVID helped you organize your mind to organize your life?
- Provide an example that supports your point.
- Analyze the impact AVID has or you hope it will have on your life.
- Write two HOT questions in the margins of your notes.
3) Lesson Plan: Graphic Organizer Gallery Walk
4) Success Workshop: Log in Party and Note Revisions
5) Exit Ticket: What graphic organizers have you used in the past? Do you like graphic organizers? Why or why not?
- You will fill in your Categorization Graphic Organizer during our Gallery Walk.
- Round 1: SILENTLY, circulate the room looking at different organizers. Complete your graphic organizer.
- Round 2: Share your ideas and questions SILENTLY by adding on to the T-chart for when to use this organizer. List questions off to the side of the T-Chart.
- Round 3: Talk to each other! Ask for clarification and share ideas!
- Apply what you learned! For two pages in your notes, decide what organizer type you would use for that page of notes. Note this on a sticky note.
- Make sure that you can log in to:
- cougarmail
- BlackBoard
- PowerSchool
- Note Revisions
- Add HOT questions to your notes.
- Highlight key terms.
- Write summaries.
5) Exit Ticket: What graphic organizers have you used in the past? Do you like graphic organizers? Why or why not?
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