Sunday, September 20, 2015

What learning structures can you use to maximize your success? Daily Plans: Monday, 21 September

Happy Monday AVID Family!
Homework: TRF due Wednesday
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: What learning structures can you use to maximize your success?
Objectives: I can...
...identify and correct sentence fragments. a perfect classroom.
...revisit and revise my notes.
1) Warm Up: Creative Writing - Be a Movie Writer (5 min + 3 to share)
  1. Choose one of the following to respond to.
  2. Write for 5 minutes. You may add doodles. Stuck? Write "starfish" until you think of something else to write.

    2) Literacy Block: Sentence Fragments (printed version) (30 min)

    1. Before the Exercise: Take notes on the Rules using the prompts below:
      1. Fragments do not contain a _______________ __________________.
      2. A complete sentence needs what 3 things?
      3. Write an example of a fragment.
      4. List two ways you can correct a sentence fragment.
    2. During the Exercise: 
      1. On the computer, highlight the "sentence" that you think is the sentence fragment. Don't click yet! Also highlight on your paper.
      2. Star(*) the question if your answer is right.
      3. If your answer is wrong, see if you can find something in the rules that explains what you got wrong. 
    3. After the Exercise: 
      1. Write corrections for three of the fragments on your paper.
      2. Check these with a classmate.

    3) Lesson Plan: How would you design the best learning environment?
    1. Make a table in your notes. This table should have 7 rows and 4 columns.
      Good for which learning styles
      Not good for which learning styles
      General observations

    2. Look through the presentation and fill in the table.
    3. With your group, create the perfect classroom for your learning type by...
      1. Visual: Draw it!
      2. Aural: Discuss it and list.
      3. Reading/Writing: List what would be in it.
      4. Kinesthetic: Build it with stuff in the box on your table.
      5. Multimodal: Mix things from above.
    4. Circulate around the room adding on to other groups' ideas so that each classroom would rock for all learners!
    4) Success Workshop: Revise your notes!
    1. Add HOT questions to your notes.
    2. Write summaries on as many pages as possible.
    3. Ask for sticky notes as needed.
    5) Exit Ticket: Set a SMART goal for the week!

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