Friday, September 18, 2015

What learning structures can you use to maximize your success? Family Day: Friday, 18 September

Happy Friday AVID Family!
Homework: Stay Organized!
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: What learning structures can you use to maximize your success?
Objectives: I can...
...describe characters from books.
...predict learning styles.
...create skits.
1) DEAR Reflection: Identity Trees for Characters (5 min)

  1. Put your missing work slip on your table.
  2. Create an identity tree for a character in the book you are currently reading. The tree needs to have at least 10 things total:
    1. Roots (values/skills)
    2. Branches (facts)
    3. Leaves (dreams)
    4. Symbols

2) Book Club: Character Identity Trees
  1. Share your identity trees with your group.
  2. Choose one character to focus on.
  3. On your index card, note the following:
    1. Character Name
    2. VARK category you think the character would be
    3. Evidence supporting your choice
    4. One thing you think your character could improve at
    5. How you would teach your character that thing, using his/her/its learning style
41579849_dfedd5fdb8_b_treasure-map3) Family Day!
  1. Missing Work Room (work for 15 minutes on assigned time management/revision tasks) OR
  2. Family Time in the Gym
    1. First Line/Last Line Skits
    2. Free Time

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