Wednesday, September 16, 2015

What learning structures can you use to maximize your success? (Day 2) Daily Plans: Thursday, 17 September

Happy Thursday AVID Family!
Homework: Missing Work Slip DUE TOMORROW!
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: What learning structures can you use to maximize your success?
Objectives: I can...
...use a survey to find career clusters to explore.
...identify strategies that will help you succeed. a classroom that will help all students.
1) Warm Up: Create your own account! (5 min)
  1. Go to "". Bookmark this page.
  2. Look in the upper left hand corner where it says "Access Your Account".
  3. Then, click "Create your CFNC Account".
  4. Use the following:
    1. Username: cougarmail beginning (ex: mnick904)
    2. Password: school lunch number
2) Literacy Block: Finding the Career Cluster for Me!
Literacy connection: Practice in reading directions and database information!
  1. Go to: CFNC > Plan > For A Career > Learn about Yourself > Career Cluster Survey.
  2. Take the survey.
  3. List the top three career cluster results you got.
  4. Reflect: Do you agree or not? Why? Tell me in a point and example sentence.
  5. List two careers that look interesting in your first career cluster. (Go to “View careers in this cluster” on the right upper corner.)
  6. Name one other cluster you think you want to explore.
  7. Add one question in the left hand column of your notes about career clusters.
3) Lesson Plan: How do you learn best?
  1. Break into groups of students with similar learning styles.
  2. Create a learning styles mandala.
  3. Complete a gallery walk looking at other mandalas. As you visit each poster: 
    1. Check what is similar to your learning style.
    2. Add comments with what you could do to work with someone in that career cluster in group work or tutorials.
    3. Finally, write questions. 
  4. Then, make a table in your notes. This table should have 7 rows and 4 columns.
    Good for which learning styles
    Not good for which learning styles
    General observations

  5. Look through the presentation and fill in the table.
  6. With your group, create the perfect classroom for your learning type by...
    1. Visual: Draw it!
    2. Aural: Discuss it and list.
    3. Reading/Writing: List what would be in it.
    4. Kinesthetic: Build it with stuff in the box on your table.
    5. Multimodal: Mix things from above.
  7. Circulate around the room adding on to other groups' ideas so that each classroom would rock for all learners!
4) Success Workshop: Organize your binder! (10 min)

5) Exit Ticket: Tonight's To Do List 

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