Monday, September 14, 2015

What learning structures can you use to maximize your success? (Day 1) Daily Plans: Tuesday, 15 September

Happy Tuesday AVID Family!
  1. Learning Styles Classroom Connections sheet due FRIDAY! (print page 154 (online 144), example is on 145)
  2. Revise and Review notes - it's benchmark week!
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: What learning structures can you use to maximize your success?
Objectives: I can...
...make a paper airplane.
...determine my learning style.
...evaluate the importance of knowing a learning style.
...check and respond to emails.
1) Warm Up: Explore: How can you learn to make a paper airplane and what does this mean about how you learn? (10 min + 3 min to share)
  1. Turn in your identity tree.
  2. Create a paper airplane following the steps in the presentation below.
  3. Reflect in your notebook: Which was the hardest to make? Easiest?

2) Literacy Block: Knowing a Child's Learning Style Improves Memory
  1. Before you read:
    1. Add details to the flowchart using the guiding questions on your note sheet.
  2. While you read:
    1. List claims the author makes in the article.
    2. Note the types of learners.
    3. Describe what can help each type of learner.
  3. After you read:
    1. Reflect: What type of learner do you think you are and why?
    2. Evaluate: How important is it to know you learning style?
      1. Editor's Note: While the idea that students have fixed, specific learning styles is not supported by scientific research, providing students with multiple ways to learn content has been shown to improve student learning (Hattie, 2011).
    3. 5 minute philosophical chairs - Is knowing learning styles important or not?
3) Lesson Plan: How do you learn best?
  1. Take the VARK quiz here.
  2. Fill in your note sheet.
  3. Match each round of airplane making to the part of VARK.
  4. **If you want to refer back to your results go to the link here > "Questionnaire" on the top tool bar > Use the drop down arrow to find the strategies that match with your learning style.**
4) Success Workshop: Check and Respond to Emails (10 min)

5) Exit Ticket: 
  1. Look back at your note sheet. 
  2. Add two things you want to try to rehearse or retrieve information based on your VARK style. 

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