Thursday, September 3, 2015

What can we learn about characters from what authors write? Family Day Friday: 4 September

Happy Friday AVID Family!
Homework: Review your notes! Enjoy your weekend!
Big Idea: Systems
Essential Question: What can we learn about characters from what authors write?
Objectives: I can...
...create a "Where I'm From" poem for a character in your book.
...perform skits in collaborative groups.
1) Warm Up: DEAR Reflection (5 min)
Choose one of the following to respond to:

  1. Pretend you are your character. Who would your mentor be? (see above)
  2. What apps would your character have on a magical smart phone? Sketch and describe the apps you would choose. (see below)

2) Book Club: Where are your characters from?
  1. With your group, choose a book character everyone knows of, ideally a book from your English/Reading class.
  2. You will create a pass along "Where I'm From" poem.
  3. You will pass your paper around your group adding lines of poetry each time you pass.
    3) Family Day 
    1. Paint Chip Skits
    2. Family Day Free Time

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