Monday, September 7, 2015

How can knowing where we are from help us determine where we will go? (Day 4) Daily Plans: Tuesday, 8 September

Happy Tuesday AVID Family!
  1. TRF due tomorrow when you walk in. Your TRF CANNOT be from your math class.
  2. Your final published poem will get checked in class on Thursday.
Big Idea: Relationships
Essential Question: How can knowing where we are from help us determine where we will go?
Objectives: I can...
...identify strengths and weaknesses in your TRF writing.
...publish a poem.
...enhance my notes.
1) Warm Up: Tutorial Request Form Reading (10 min)

  1. Skim through the sample TRFs for the classes you are in.
  2. Highlight the things you have done similarly in one color.
  3. Highlight in a second color the things you need to improve.
  4. Choose what subject you will write tomorrow's TRF for. It must be a question you've struggled on in a class other than math.

2) Literacy Block: Healthy Self-Identity in Children is Everything (20 min)
  1. Use the directions on your Socratic seminar sheet to complete your reading tasks for today.
  2. Answer at least six questions in your notes as you partner read.
  3. Complete the 1-2-3 after you read. 
3) Lesson Plan: Where I'm From by George Ella Lyons
  1. Read the grading checklist here
  2. Use the grading checklist on your help sheet (or above) and your partner's feedback from Thursday to help you revise your poem draft.
  3. Rewrite, publish, and illustrate your poem. 
  4. Your timeline:
    1. Write your own "Where I'm From" poem by Friday.
      1. Monday: Prewrite and Draft
      2. Today: Finish Draft
      3. Thursday: Peer Evaluate
      4. Tuesday: Publish and Illustrate, Self-Identity Reading
      5. Wednesday: Seminar Prep and Tutorial
      6. Thursday: Identity Seminar
      7. Friday: Family Day Poetry Readings (small group)
      8. Monday: Identity Trees
      9. Tuesday: Identity Trees Due
4) Success Workshop: Summarize and Organize (If you finish early)
  1. Add Level 2 and Level 3 questions to your notes and assignments. Use sticky notes as needed.
  2. Write summaries for as many pages as possible. These should answer the EQ and questions in the margin.

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