Thursday, September 10, 2015

How can knowing where we are from help us determine where we will go? Daily Plans: Friday, 11 September

Happy Friday AVID Poets!
Homework: None! Stay organized and review notes! Next week is a benchmark week :)
Big Idea: Relationships
Essential Question: How can knowing where we are from help us determine where we will go?
Objectives: I can...
...describe a book character.
...present in a loud, proud, college student voice. community during family day!
1) Warm Up: What would your character contribute? (5 min)
  1. Identify your favorite book character.
  2. Write a six word memoir for this character (see below and to the right).
  3. Then, write one Socratic seminar question from yesterday.
  4. How would your character answer the question?

2) Poetry Reading Preparation!

  1. Cut your poem feedback forms into strips. You will need 5.
  2. Write your name on each.
  3. As you watch other students present, list their names and AVID teachers and grade that student.
  4. Return these to YOUR AVID teacher.
  5. Your timeline:
    1. Write your own "Where I'm From" poem by Friday.
      1. Monday: Prewrite and Draft
      2. Today: Finish Draft
      3. Thursday: Peer Evaluate
      4. Tuesday: Publish and Illustrate, Self-Identity Reading
      5. Wednesday: Seminar Prep and Tutorial
      6. Thursday: 10 min to publish poem, Identity Seminar
      7. Friday: Family Day Poetry Readings (small group)
      8. Monday: Identity Trees
      9. Tuesday: Identity Trees Due
3) Family Day
  1. Head outside and break into groups of 6.
  2. Present your poem!
  3. Free time! Or missing work time.

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