Monday, August 17, 2015

What systems can we use for success? (Day 2) Daily Plans: Tuesday, 18 August

Happy Tuesday AVID Team!
Homework: Prepare for binder check on Friday
Big Idea: Systems
Essential Question: What systems can we use for success?
Objectives: I can...
...identify levels of questions in your notes. 
...peer edit a TPEQEA paragraph.
1) Warm Up: Ten Minute Research - Career Focus
  1. Write down a question you have about a career you are interested in.
  2. Go to>Plan>For Career>Explore Careers.
  3. Find your answer.
  4. Add an illustration showing a day in the life of someone in your career. 
2) Using Costa's Levels

  1. Look back at your visual and the sentence stems.
  2. Add three questions to each level.
  3. Use your questions and verbs to...
    1. Identify the level of 6 questions in your notes.
    2. Write 6 questions in your notes, 2 per each level of questioning
3) Writing Successful TPEQEA Paragraphs
  1. Take the quiz here on complete sentences.
  2. Read your paragraph. 
  3. Make sure every sentence is acutally a sentence. 
  4. Does your paragraph make sense together? If not, change it.
  5. Read your paragraph out loud to yourself to make final revisions. 
4) Time for You!
  1. Make sure your binder is organized.
  2. Revise your notes.
  3. Work on homework. 
  4. Prioritize any tasks you have left to do tomorrow. 
5) Exit Ticket: Add on to our organization class graph. 

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