Happy Monday AVID Family!
Homework: Revise notes and organize binders! Review for benchmarks.
Homework: Revise notes and organize binders! Review for benchmarks.
Big Idea: Systems
Essential Question: What can games teach us about the power of questions?
Objectives: I can...
Objectives: I can...
...practice reading a project assignment.
...paraphrase an assignment.
...track how I learn while playing a game.
...revise my notes.
***********************************...paraphrase an assignment.
...track how I learn while playing a game.
...revise my notes.
1) Warm Up: Creative Journaling (5 min)
Choose one of the prompts below to respond to. Write for 5 minutes. If you get stuck write "wonderful" until you can come up with something else to write.
Option 1 |
Option 2 |
- Before you read: How do you know what to do when a teacher assigns a project?
- While you read:
- Paraphrase the purpose and objectives of the assignment.
- Identify the "chunks" in the assignment.
- After you read:
- Add any questions you have now about the assignment.
- Summarize the steps of the assignment and what you will learn from it.
- Have you played Rush Hour?
- Yes? Write what you know about it!
- No? Write what you know about traffic jams, parking lots, and puzzles.
- Try playing! Go to the link here. As you play, I'll prompt you to pause and tell your neighbor:
- What are you thinking?
- What have you tried? Did that work? Why or why not?
- Is there a strategy that you've used before that you could try? Does the strategy work here?
- What's got you stuck?
- How do you know what to do?
- After you play:
- List questions you asked yourself while you played.
- Reflect and note:
- How did you learn to play?
- What strategies always worked? Sometimes worked? Could you tell when they'd work?
- Describe what it's like when you learn something new?
- Find or make your own puzzle. Resources:
4) Time for You: Revise your notes!
- Highlight key terms.
- Add Level 2 and 3 questions in the margins.
- Write summaries.
5) Exit Ticket: Set your SMART goal for the week!
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