Tuesday, August 11, 2015

How can structures at LEC help me succeed? (Day 7) Daily Plans: Wednesday, 12 August

Happy Wednesday AVID Team!
Homework: Revise your notes!
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: How can structures at LEC help me succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...practice writing TPEQEA paragraphs.
...organize your binder and Google Drive.
1) Warm Up: Positivity Board
  1. On your sticky note, write the best thing from this week - maybe food you ate, something awesome you said in a seminar, a book you are enjoying, a talk with a friend.
  2. Then, add your sticky note the board.
2) Time for You! Make sure you've completed all the things on the checklist in 45 minutes.
  1. Make sure you can log in to cougarmail again! (YAYYYY)
    1. UN: first initial + 4 letters of last name + last 3 digits of CCCC id + @cougarmail.cccc.edu. (mnick904@cougarmail.cccc.edu)
    2. PW: whatever you set it to OR birthday MMDDYYYY (03161990) OR cccc1234!
  2. Set up a Google Drive folder for every class (Mallory - AVID)
  3. Write your own TPEQEA!
    1. What will your success look like at LEC?
    2. Leave space to add a quote later.
    3. Need ideas? Refer to the post cards to LEC students.
  4. Set up a template for your one-pager for the library scavenger hunt tomorrow.
  5. Time permitting: Peer Binder Evaluation
    1. Complete the Peer Binder Evaluation half sheet.
    2. Work on reorganizing your binders.
3) Tutorial Time! (45 min)
  1. Read the Tutorial Process sheet.
  2. Help Ms. Nickel figure out her point of confusion about putting on a sweater. While you do this, add tips to your Tutorial Request Form (TRF).
  3. Once Ms. Nickel has figured out how to put on her sweater, complete the tutorial process helping her answer her point of confusion question.
    1. Roles needed:
      1. Student Moderator
      2. Students to ask questions (you'll get a cheat sheet!)
      3. Model note taker
  4. Then, choose one part of tutorials that you find confusing and create a TRF about that part.
4) Exit Ticket: Class Organization Graph
  1. Write your name on a sticky note.
  2. Place your name on your self-evaluation rating for how organized you are.
  3. **This should create a bar graph.**

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