Happy Wednesday AVID Team!
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: How can structures at LEC help me succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...practice writing TPEQEA paragraphs.
...organize your binder and Google Drive.
***********************************...organize your binder and Google Drive.
1) Warm Up: Positivity Board
- On your sticky note, write the best thing from this week - maybe food you ate, something awesome you said in a seminar, a book you are enjoying, a talk with a friend.
- Then, add your sticky note the board.
2) Time for You! Make sure you've completed all the things on the checklist in 45 minutes.
4) Exit Ticket: Class Organization Graph
- Make sure you can log in to cougarmail again! (YAYYYY)
- UN: first initial + 4 letters of last name + last 3 digits of CCCC id + @cougarmail.cccc.edu. (mnick904@cougarmail.cccc.edu)
- PW: whatever you set it to OR birthday MMDDYYYY (03161990) OR cccc1234!
- Set up a Google Drive folder for every class (Mallory - AVID)
- Write your own TPEQEA!
- What will your success look like at LEC?
- Leave space to add a quote later.
- Need ideas? Refer to the post cards to LEC students.
- Set up a template for your one-pager for the library scavenger hunt tomorrow.
- Time permitting: Peer Binder Evaluation
- Complete the Peer Binder Evaluation half sheet.
- Work on reorganizing your binders.
3) Tutorial Time! (45 min)
- Read the Tutorial Process sheet.
- Help Ms. Nickel figure out her point of confusion about putting on a sweater. While you do this, add tips to your Tutorial Request Form (TRF).
- Once Ms. Nickel has figured out how to put on her sweater, complete the tutorial process helping her answer her point of confusion question.
- Roles needed:
- Student Moderator
- Students to ask questions (you'll get a cheat sheet!)
- Model note taker
- Then, choose one part of tutorials that you find confusing and create a TRF about that part.
- Write your name on a sticky note.
- Place your name on your self-evaluation rating for how organized you are.
- **This should create a bar graph.**
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