Happy Tuesday AVID Team!
Homework: Revise your notes!
Homework: Revise your notes!
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: How can structures at LEC help me succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...find answers about college.
...identify the parts of TPEQEA.
...practice writing TPEQEA paragraphs.
...organize your binder and Google Drive.
***********************************...identify the parts of TPEQEA.
...practice writing TPEQEA paragraphs.
...organize your binder and Google Drive.
1) Warm Up: Ten Minute Research
- Write down one question you have about college.
- Search for the answer using Google. Use a site that ends in .edu OR .org.
- Write down the site you used (just the basic URL like npr.org).
- Answer your question in one sentence.
- Illustrate your answer.
- Sort the answers.
2) Academic Vocabulary
- Write down the AKA definition in your notes.
- Vocab Intro
3) New Material: High School Success and TPEQEA
5) Exit Ticket: Class Organization Graph- Refer to your student packet from Cobra Kickoff.
- Create an index card for your sentence.
- Write the question you can answer to write this sentence.
- Add an illustration.
- Install diigolet on your computer.
- Go to the link here.
- Drag the button to your tool bar.
- Create an account.
- Go to the link here.
- Read the article.
- Highlight the the three tweets you think are most important in pink.
- Highlight the three tweets you think are least important in yellow.
- Add a sticky note listing one tweet you would add.
- Write your own TPEQEA!
- What will your success look like at LEC?
- Leave space to add a quote later.
- Need ideas? Refer to the post cards to LEC students.
- Write your name on a sticky note.
- Place your name on your self-evaluation rating for how organized you are.
- **This should create a bar graph.**
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