Monday, April 13, 2015

What will my life be like in the career cluster I've chosen? (Day 5) Daily Plans: Thursday, 16 April

Happy Thursday AVID Team!
Homework: Finish your Common App document. Field Trip Forms are OVERDUE! Get them in ASAP, please!
Big Idea: Change
Essential Question: What will my life be like in the career cluster I've chosen?
Objectives: I can...
...propose a sustainable solution to a problem in my career.
...finish a draft of a college application. on tasks that have been delegated to me.
1) Warm Up: Set a Series of SMART goals!

  1. Review your tasks for today. What do you need to work on?
  2. On sticky notes, write your own specific goals. 
    1. Example: In 20 minutes I will finish the TPEEA part of my Common App doc and share it with Ms. Nickel.

2)  Success Workshop: Time to Write (until 2:15)

  1. Finish your Common Application document here.
  2. Finish your journal entry for Coach B and post it. Show me when you do (or no Family Day).
  3. Then, start working on your paper draft. (Due to me next Tuesday evening!)
  4. Each time you meet a goal, post it on the board.
3) Career Clusters Work Time

  1. Review your group's fire-able and promote-able actions. 
  2. Revisit your trifold poster diagram. Your goal is to finish the panel three information today.
  3. Done? 
    1. Check grammar and spelling.
    2. Make sure that you have this formatted the way you want it on the trifold (big enough to read, etc).
    3. What else do you want on your trifold? A border? More images? Work on this!
    4. Start planning your activity out in more detail!

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