Sunday, April 12, 2015

What will my life be like in the career cluster I've chosen? (Day 4) Daily Plans: Monday, 13 April

Happy Monday AVID Team!
Homework: Field Trip Forms are OVERDUE! Get them in ASAP, please!
Activity Day is Wednesday. Make sure ALL missing work is done or you cannot attend!
Big Idea: Change
Essential Question: What will my life be like in the career cluster I've chosen?
Objectives: I can...
...identify a problem in my future career.
...propose a sustainable solution to a problem in my career.
...list and categorize the skills I need to be successful in my future career.
1) Warm Up: Positivity Moment: Add on to your positivity file! (5 min)

**Take out any missing work and field trip forms!!!**

2) Time to Work: Career Problem Journal (20 min)

  1. Open up the document here and make your own copy. Name it "Name - Career Problem Paper Planning".
  2. Begin working on Parts 1 and 2 of the document. When you are done, share this with me. Parts 1-2 are due tomorrow evening. 
  3. You will have 20 min in class today and 20 min in class tomorrow. If you don't finish, finish at home. If you don't share this with me by Tuesday, you'll have to finish Parts 1-2 during Activity Day.
3) Career Clusters Work Time
  1. Today's goal: Finish Panel 2 of your trifold board.
  2. Review your fireable/promotable actions.
  3. Read the list of what goes on Panel 2. 
  4. Decide who will do what.
  5. Work!
  6. Show your work to your teacher when you are done. 
  7. Finished early? Work on Panel 3.
4) Exit Ticket: Recap and Reflect
  1. Agree on 20 min tasks each group member can work on INDEPENDENTLY tomorrow in his/her own AVID classroom. Make reminders (phone alarm, calendar event, email, sticky note) for each person.
  2. Work log for today: On a scrap piece of paper: write what you did; rank your time management; and put any comments, concerns, or compliments. 

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