Thursday, April 16, 2015

What will my life be like in the career cluster I've chosen? Daily Plans: Friday, 17 April

Happy Friday AVID Team!
Homework: Career Problem paper draft due on Tuesday evening!!!! Finish Common App Doc.
Big Idea: Change
Essential Question: What will my life be like in the career cluster I've chosen?
Objectives: I can...
...visualize a positive part of your future career.
...complete missing work.
...contribute to the AWESOMENESS of Formal!
1) Warm Up: Positive Career Predictions (10 min)

  1. Put your missing work slip on your table.
  2. Open your Positivity File.
  3. Find a quote or image or video of someone in your future career. Add it to your file.
2) Family Day!
  1. Head to the gym and help set up for formal.
  2. Missing work? Finish it in the missing work room!!!

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