Monday, March 2, 2015

What powerful, positive choices can I make? ACA DAY! Tuesday, 3 March

Happy ACA Day!

  1. Work on your ACA work!
  2. Get your Spring Break Missing Work list signed. This will count as being in the Missing Work Room on a Family Day.

Big Idea: Power
Essential Question: What powerful, positive choices can I make?
Objectives: I can...
...tell my story.
...manage my time.
1) Time to Work:
  1. Continue writing for My Personal Statement
    1. The final due date is next Friday.
    2. Your first paragraph must be finished by tonight.
  2. ACA Work:
    1. Copy the document here.
    2. Work on filling in how you spent your time today so far.
    3. This is due on 7 March.
    4. Also work on your SMART goals document on Blackboard.
  3. Organize it all!
    1. Organize your notes and binders. 
    2. See me if you need help!
    3. Revise your notes!

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