Tuesday, March 3, 2015

What powerful, positive choices can I make? (Day 3) Daily Plans: Wednesday, 4 March

Happy Wednesday AVID Team!
Homework: Work on your ACA work!
Big Idea: Power
Essential Question: What powerful, positive choices can I make?
Objectives: I can...
...plan how I will afford college.
...create a blog.
...write my statement of purpose.
1) Warm Up: Take 10 to Write (10 min)
  1. Track how you've spent your time today for ACA.
  2. Write either your ACA Time Management Journal OR work on your Statement of Purpose.
2) Literacy Block: How will you afford college? (20 min)
  1. Before you read: 
    1. Set up a note page for today. EQ: What powerful, positive choices can I make?
    2. Note: Can you and your family afford college?
    3. List: What can you do to make college more affordable?
  2. As you partner read the article here, list:
    1. the main idea/point/claim of the article
    2. two pieces of evidence in the article
  3. After you read: 
    1. List three actions school's can take to help students get to college.
    2. Write a point sentence convincing me that school's should take action.
    3. Describe one choice you can make now to ensure that you'll get to college in the future.
3) Lesson Plan: My Personal Statement (30 min)
  1. Copy the document above and rename it.
  2. Read the whole assignment.
  3. The final due date is next Friday.
  4. Your second and third paragraph must be finished by tonight.
    1. For paragraph three, you need to look up a professor at CCCC and your first choice university. Let me know if you need help!
4) Success Workshop: Notes, Binders, and Time Management!
  1. Spring Break List
    1. Check PowerSchools and list AVID work you need to share with me.
    2. Put your slip out.
    3. Some of you will be calling home today to tell your parents to remind you to do work.
  2. ACA Work:
    1. Copy the document here.
    2. Work on filling in how you spent your time today so far.
    3. Also work on your SMART goals document on Blackboard.
    4. Also finish your quiz and journal on note taking.
    5. This is due on 7 March.
  3. Organize it all!
    1. Organize your notes and binders. 
    2. See me if you need help!
    3. Revise your notes!
5) Exit Ticket: SMART Goals! (At 2:42)
  1. Flip back in your notes to find your SMART goals for the week.
  2. Evaluate your success in meeting your goals. 

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