Monday, March 2, 2015

What powerful, positive choices can I make? (Day 1) Daily Plans: Monday, 2 March

Happy Monday AVID Team! Welcome back!!!
Homework: Work on your ACA work!
Big Idea: Power
Essential Question: What powerful, positive choices can I make?
Objectives: I can...
...create a positivity file.
...contribute to a positive online environment.
...tell my story.
1) Warm Up: Positivity File (10 min)
  1. Create a folder, document, or pintrest board where you post things that help you stay positive.
  2. Consider:
    1. Pictures with friends
    2. Cute animal pictures
    3. A recipe to try
    4. A video of your favorite song or sports team
    5. The mascot for the college you want to go to
    6. Quotes you find inspiring
  3. For one of these things, send me an email telling me what you chose and why. This can be informal, but make sure you have a subject!
2) Literacy Block: The Power of Positivity
  1. Set up a note sheet for today!
  2. Think of the most powerful and lasting thing that someone has ever said to you.
    1. Class poll: Was it positive or negative?
    2. Summarize the crash course in brain science. We need to focus on the positive to make up for mental tigers!
  3. So how does this relate to my actions and choices?
    1. Before you read, participate in the class shout out: What types of things do you post to social media?
    2. Read the article here.
    3. After you read: 
      1. What would you tweet if no one knew it was you tweeting? If every knew it was you tweeting? Choose one and write it on the fake twitter sheet!
      2. Tweet one guideline you think teens should follow when using social media. Remember, you are making your digital tattoo!
3) Lesson Plan: My Personal Statement

  1. Copy the document above and rename it.
  2. Read the whole assignment.
  3. The final due date is next Friday.
  4. Your first paragraph must be finished by tonight.
  5. Start writing!
  6. Share your document with me!

4) Success Workshop: Notes, Binders, and Time Management!
  1. ACA Work:
    1. Copy the document here.
    2. Work on filling in how you spent your time today so far.
    3. This is due on 7 March.
    4. Also work on your SMART goals document on Blackboard.
  2. Organize it all!
    1. Organize your notes and binders. 
    2. See me if you need help!
    3. Revise your notes!
5) Exit Ticket: SMART Goals!
  1. Write a SMART goal for school this week.
  2. Write a SMART goal for Spring Break!

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