Friday, February 27, 2015

Weekend Reminders and ACA Help! 27 Feb-1 March

Happy Weekend AVID Team!

Here's what you need to be working on!

  1. Check PowerSchools. If you didn't share anything that doesn't have a grade with me on Monday, share it with me now! (Or finish and then share it :)
  2. Work on your work for ACA. This is due March 7th. You will get a new assignment next week and don't want to be SWAMPED for Spring Break.
    1. Go to the ACA course in Blackboard, select "Lessons and Assignments" > "Lesson 5 - Time Management". 
      1. Here you will find lots of time management resources and the SMART goal assignment that you need to complete and submit.
    2. Here is a document that breaks the time management journal down. Copy it and use it!
  3. Want to know more about the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens? Check out the Prezi here:
  4. Email me if you have questions or concerns!

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