Friday, February 27, 2015

Catch Up Friday! 27 February

Happy Friday AVID team!
  1. Catch up! And share all docs!
Big Idea: Power
Essential Question: What powerful choices have I made?
Objectives: I can...
...prioritize my work.
...set and meet SMART goals.
1) Warm Up: Figure out where you are going!
  1. Figure out where you are going:
    1. Ms. Nickel's room: All Geology Students
    2. Mrs. Testa's room (in Mr. Stern's room): Kiana, Kris, Eric, Sonia, Diana, Rylee, Jaylin
    3. Ms. Cheatham's room: Haleigh, Erica, Naquan, Phillip, Joseph, Chere, Leslie S, Nathaniel, Roman, Michaela, Calvin, Molly 
  2. Get a SMART goal sheet. Turn this in to your AVID teacher at 2:42 today.
2) Catch Up Work List!
  1. For AVID:
    1. FOR ACA, everyone must do this!!
      1. Get notes from a student in Ms. Cheatham's class.
      2. Make sure you understand your assignment that is due on March 7th.
    2. Finish:
      1. My Powers
      2. Who I am
      3. Color Code/Classification Doc
      4. Charting my life
      5. My Future Story
    3. Organize:
      1. Notes
      2. Binders
    4. Revise:
      1. Notes!
  2. For Statistics:
    1. My Stat Lab 4.1
  3. For AFM:
    1. Any work from checklist 
    2. Zombie Action Plan
  4. For Math 3:
    1. Missing work from slips Mrs. Testa gave you on Monday
    2. Benchmark on USATestPrep, get log in info from the sub, you can take this as many times as you want but you must get above a 90% by Wednesday!!
    3. Work on your Pre-Assessment, also due Wednesday!
  5. For Biology:
    1. Module 3 Vocabulary
    2. Assignments posted today
  6. For Civics and Economics:
    1. CNN Article Reflections/Summaries
    2. Political Campaign Project
  7. For English:
    1. Narrative Re-Do
    2. Read up to Chapter 7
  1. Catch up! And share all docs!

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