Sunday, February 15, 2015

What powerful choices have I made? Catch Up Day! Daily Plans: Monday, 23 February

Happy Monday AVID team!
  1. Catch up! And share all docs!
Big Idea: Power
Essential Question: What powerful choices have I made?
Objectives: I can...
...describe my ideal future.
...identify main ideas from work in classes.
...prioritize my work.
...set and meet SMART goals.
1) Warm Up: Beginning My Future Story (12 minutes)
  1. Copy the document here and rename it.
  2. Fill it out!
2) Literacy Block: Identifying Main Ideas (25 minutes)
  1. Class Practice: 
    1. Set up a note sheet - the topic is "Main Ideas Cheat Sheet".
    2. Discuss:
      1. What is a main idea?
      2. What are some easy ways to figure out main ideas in readings? In class notes?
    3. Find the main idea in the paragraph below. (From
    1. "We need a robust strategy to take on ISIL. No one has seen one from this White House yet. In addition to a robust strategy, I think we need to have a robust authorization. And I don't believe what the president sent here gives him the flexibility, or the authority, to take on this enemy and to win," Boehner said.
      On NBC's Meet the Press, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said Congress has the power of the purse to decide whether to fund a war. But having Congress tell the president how to wage war results in "535 commanders-in-chief," he said.
      "If we don't like what the commander-in-chief is doing, we can cut off his funds for doing so. But to restrain him in our authorization of him taking military action, I think frankly, is unconstitutional," McCain said.
  2. Guided Practice:
    1. Choose notes, an activity, or a reading from any class.
    2. Identify the main idea.
    3. Note and share your main idea with the class in this format:
      1. The main idea I looked at is from (class name, date, and assignment). The main idea was _______.
      2. Example: The main idea I looked at is from Geology on February 12 and the assignment was our vocab from the day. The main idea was how to identify minerals.
  3. Individual Recap:
    1. Summarize a page in your notes using your new and improved understanding of main ideas!
    2. Show me when you are done.
  4. Class Recap:
    1. Take notes: When can you use this cheat sheet? (Think tutorials, Cornell notes, studying, and more!!!)
3) Lesson Plan: Sharing your Powers (10 minutes)
  1. Get with a partner.
    1. Share your warm up from today and your one sentence purpose from the other day.
    2. Reflect on your "Who I am" and "My Powers" work.
    3. Tell your partner what your purpose (main goal in life) is and why.
    4. Refine these ideas.
  2. Email me!
    1. Subject: Name - My Purpose
    2. Body: 
      1. Dear Ms. Nickel,
      2. As of now, I think my purpose in life is ____. Three reasons this is my purpose are...
      3. Thank you! Sincerely,
      4. Name
4) Success Workshop: Catch Up Time
  1. Set a goal for AVID:
    1. Finish your Who I am, My Powers, ColorCode, and Charting my Life assignments.
    2. Organize your binder.
    3. Revisit your notes
  2. When you are done with those, set a goal for other work.
    1. Finish other homework.
    2. Make revisions.
    3. Study for benchmarks.
5) Exit Ticket: SMART goal for the week!
  1. Set two SMART goals for the week - one for school and one personal one. 
  2. Write these on a sticky note and post them like last week!

  1. Catch up! And share all docs!

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