Thursday, February 12, 2015

Family Day Friday! Friday, 13 February

Happy Friday AVID Students!!!
  1. Coach B's work due tomorrow:
    1. Submit 3 Google Docs: 3 screenshots from WebAdvisor, 2 screenshots from AVISO, 1 screenshot of an email
Big Idea: Power
Essential Question: Can classifying ourselves give us power?
Objectives: I can…
...chart how my life events have shaped where I am today.
...write a claim about my purpose in life.
Performance Task: Charting my Life
1) Warm Up: Set your goal! (5 minutes)
  1. Finish your work for me for this week.
  2. Finish your work for Coach B for tomorrow.
  3. Done? Work on creating a positivity file. See below!
2) Options:
  1. Work for me:
    1. Charting My Life:
      1. List major memorable moments in your life.
      2. Set up a plus-minus chart for your life.
      3. Add your life events to the chart like we did for the sample.
      4. Mark where you are today.
      5. Mark where you want to be in the future.
      6. List what you will need to do to get there.
      7. Journal it! Choose one event that has had a lot of impact on you and write about that moment and how that moment led you to where you are today. This needs to be at least half a page.
      8. Write a point sentence describing your purpose in life and why that is your purpose. 
      9. Take a picture of this and add it into you folder. Call it "Name-Charting my Life".
    2. My Powers 
    3. MBTI and Color Code Double Entry Journal
    4. Who I am
  2. Work for Coach B (see Blackboard and homework section)
  3. Postivity File
    1. Create a Google Doc where you put pictures of things that inpsire you or make you laugh or smile. Include images, links to inspiring websites, youtube links, etc. 
    2. If you use Pintrest, you could use that instead.
5) Exit Ticket: Rank your success on the goal you set at the beginning of class. Make a homework reminder.

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